someone who can make sense of all the bullshit. but since I don't think that person exists, how about anyone who can make me laugh, and FORGET about all the bullshit.Someone who can just sit and talk and really listen, someone who understands me, cause those people are pricless.
SUBLIME, KILLERS, Violent Fems, Jack Johnson, Offspring, James Blunt, and every thing on the CD's people leave in my car!
As long as it rocks I'm good
When i have time to watch it.... I love shows that keep you guessing but never let you down in the end.
I like any thing that I can not stop reading. if i can put the book away for a week it's not worth reading.
they are the ones that are always there for me and when life gets hard... one of them is sure to come a long and lessen the burden, just enough so that I can carry on. they have supported me so much this year and I can never thank them enough for just being the fab peeps that they are. You guy's ROCK. I LOVE YOU ALL
Thanks for all the love and support over the years or months which ever applies.
My score on The Alcohol Knowledge Test :
(Congratulations! You're 102 proof, with specific scores in beer (60) , wine (50), and liquor (69).)
Screw all that namby-pamby chick stuff, you're going straight for the bottle and a shot glass! It'll take more than a few shots of Wild Turkey or 99 Bananas before you start seeing pink elephants. You know how to handle your alcohol, and yourself at parties.
Link: The Alcohol Knowledge Test
( OkCupid Free .. Dating )