My beautiful baby girl, Riley Elizabeth, Skateboarding, Music, Bass, Howard xoxo, Cool Clothes, Team Hot Damn! Flava Fab xoxoI LOVE THIS BAND!! ADD THEM
Pitchshifter "Genius"
lots of films. I absolutely love NEWSIES, slc punk, memento, virgin suicides, boondock saints, billy eliott, lots of really old horror films, anime, and a shit load more of indie films. getting pretty deep into foreign films also as of late
The Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, SeaLab 2021, some anime, science channel, military channel (duh, i'm in the army)
American Harcore: A Tribal History, Freak The Mighty, Lord Of the Rings Trilogy, The Hobbit. dean koontz makes awesome books as well. also read alot of steven king thanks to my grandmother.
Every day i wake up and make it through the day with my ever ongoing stress and problems, i am heroe to myself.