jEn-jEn profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

mE? aBoUt mE? HmMmM!!!!!^ohh well,im a li'l friendly and a nice girl, i can have friends with anyone.... well, ive nothing to say for myself, maybe my friends has something to do with it... c'yah!! ^hmmmm, i actually like 2 mAkE fRiEnDs WiD AnYbOdY, jAm WiD BarKaDa, rOcKzZ & ReGgAe MuSiC,LikEs SuPeRmAn,LoVeS to WatCh HoCkEy,LiKeS To pLaY BiLLiArd, CoUntErStRiKe & RaGnA.... LoVeS 2 eAt AnY KiNd oF sTeAkS, LiKeS To WaTcH FeAr FaCtOr, PiNoY BiG BrO, mUsiC cHaNnELs, DiSnEy, & SpOnGeBoB squarepants..... LovEs DaNiEL rAdCLiFf, & KeAnNu ReEvEs, LiKeS To wAtCh HaRrY PoTtEr OvEr & oVeR AgAiN....(LoVeS 2 HeAr d' bAnD---RiVeRmAyA, ThE CaLLiNg, SLaP-S, gReEnDaY, PaRoKyA ni EdGaR, SpOnGeCoLa, CuEsHe, HaLe... A Fan Of SaN aNtOniO sPuRs MaNu GiNoBiLi, , LoVeS CeLLpHoNe, cHuCk TayLoR's shoes, InTerNeT, ChAt,OnLinE GaMeS and mostly TuLoG... here's something from Fun survey's about me.... Chech it out!!!
..SuPeR dUpEr FuN SuRvEy..
FuLL biRth nAme Jemrah Jane Enriquez delos Santos
AgE/SeX 19-year-old Girl
HoMetoWn Antique, Philippines
CuRReNtLy LiViNg iN.. Kalibo, Aklan
EyE coLor Black
hAiR CoLoR Black
hEritAge Pilipino
AiM sCrEEnAMe Lady Hazel....its nice..
FAsT FooD Red house steak
nOn AlCOholiC BevErAgE bottled water and iced tea...
AlChOholiC bEvErAge hahahha...i can drink any alcoholic beverages...try me..
DrEaM CitY tO LivE Paris, France and Rome, Italy
CaR hoping to have one...
VaCatiOn ZoNe hawaii
guY FriEnd to many to enumerate but i treasure Kirk and Lei a lot...
GiRl fRiENd ive too much girlfriends but Weng is my only best girl friend..
SnAck Big Boys burger shop, if not just a plain cookie and iced tea
AnimAl my dog named "beauty"
.HaVe YoU eVeR.
bEEn drUnk yeah....
SmOkEd yep....
kisSeD soMeOnE yoU bArEly KneW hmmmm......yes...
LiEd to yoUr PaRents yeah....
CHeAted in SchOoL sometimes, when i rily dont have anything to answer...
BeEn puShEd iN thE pOOl not yet...
GoTTeN cAUghT dRUnK yeah...
TakEn A bReaTHiLiZer of course not...
GoTTen hiGh im not into it....
GoTTeN iNto A cAR AccidEnt nope...not in this life i guess..
doNe SOmEthInG yoU reGrEt always...
DoNe SomEonE yOu rEgret yeah...
fAllEN foR a FriEnd uhuh...yeap, i didnt mean to, it just happened...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:





Underworld, AVP, 8 mile, Matrix, Lord of the Rings and Once Upon a Time in Mexico, its awesome!!!


Nick jr., Cartoon Network & Disney Channel,MTV, AXN's Fear FActor, Ripley's and Guiness Survey, Jack TV's Just 4 laughs... hehehe!!!!


Harry Potter Book Series, Anne Rice's Books, JoHn GriSham's FiLes, and Pocket Novelty Books...



My Blog


its hard to keep your feelings to the one you love, most especially if he's your friend, but what really hurts most is, if your friend wants you too, but just can't express it,because he thought that ...
Posted by jEn-jEn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

LOVE should not be expected!!!

Never expect love to be always at its best, coz if you do, you'll never appreciate its existence, remember that there will always be one true love for you to hold, it may not be the one you expect but...
Posted by jEn-jEn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST