*AngEls,Maya Angelou,ShAkirA,Frida Kahlo,Janis JoPlin, StaR People,SalvAdoR Dali,Adamo Ruggiero<3, AngeliNa Jolie,KaTe MoSS, NAomI CampbeLL, Alek WeK aNd fOr thE sake of VirGin MaRy soMeOne oN mY leVel. So, In enDinG with tHis LisT oF InDiViduAls I would like tO meet; most of them being CeleBriTieS or deaD, I gUess i coUld speaK iN a ReAl- LiFe scenaRio. ObviouslY I WoUlD LiKe tO MeeT pEoPle who ArE freAkiNg WiLd, loVe ThE NiGht mOre tHan ThE dAy and paRty mOre ThaN they PraY. PeOPlE Who ArE opeN To new ExpEriencEs, i.e. eating octopus or FrOg leGs. AlSo, iNdividuaLs wHo are JuSt driPPinG witH thAt tHinG called a sensE oF HumoR bEcaUse I lovE to LaugH, hELL i LaUgh MoRe ThaN I brEatHe. DanCeRs are a must, SiNgErs, fellow arTisTs, nymphOS <3 and cLuBkidz. I woNt EveN Touch On ThE ToPiC oF DaTinG... beCaUse i doNt KnOw. BasiCally if yOu maKe me LaugH, if I fInd yoU attraCtive, if YoU arE caRing, respectFuL, modest yet outgoing and well-enDoWed (guy or girl) then yoU proBably HavE A chanCe To tamE mE.
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