Since june 2006, Laurent is still at the penitentary. on the 18th of june, Laurent was on the Seine’s south bank (near "Notre-Dame") when some homeboys came out from the blue and attacked him just for fighting/bashing pleasure. He has just defend himself, facing numerous and armed blokes. Unfortunately one of homies died ... Some of you probably allready know how things goes in that kind of situation, you do not really get any choice if you want to stay alive and no time to thing. where would he be if he has not defend himself ??? so, because he has just fight back against homies trying to bash him, they still keep him in a cell. The juge has charged him for murder, mainly because of his tatoos and his Rudeboy past. Things should have been totaly differents if he has been listening to mainstream music, reading rubbish people magazines, and enjoying pop culture as everyone is suppose to do for governement. So yes the fact is that Laurent is probably still in jail cause of his past and cultural tastes (at least supposed by the police and justice). French prison are really harsh to stay in (just check amnesty international’s reports), so if you want to help Laurent : - write to him about music, litterature, movies, puppies or whatever cause it’s his only contact with external world. - or if you can, send him money, remember that you get to pay for everythings in a penitenciary. So, better doing something that keep speaking about it, a bit of propaganda by fact is very welcome ! Cheers for the reading and remember that it could happen to every of us (even you who think that you are too bloody clever). THANKS TO HIM -- Adress in the blog or ask us.
Page de Soutien a Laurent DECORTE,
incarcéré depuis Juin 2006 pour s’etre defendu lors d’une lache agression sur les quais de Seine face à de la petite racaille de merde, agression qui s’est soldée par le décès plusieurs heures plus tard à l’hopital, d’un des agresseurs de Laurent, suite a une blessure... Laurent DECORTE, Présumé Innocent jusqu’à son procès (probablement courant 2008), inculpé d’Homicide Volontaire malgrès l’évidence flagrante de la situation de légitime défense, diffamé et bafoué par une certaine presse d’obédience douteuse (le parisien, web de l’humanité, reflexes...) quelques jours après les faits dans l’unique but d’influencer la procédure d’Instruction, enfoncé par la Police de la pensée belle et bien présente en France; Laurent mérite le soutien de Tous face à ce qu’il endure, et pour ce qu’il a fait: Se Defendre, Sauver sa Peau. Il fait face, la tête haute et assume... SOUTENEZ-LE (adresse pour lui ecrire et d’avantage de details dans le blog, ou n’hesitez pas a demander par MP...). Merci pour Lui!