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oh so its like that?

About Me

Myspace Layouts
I am a 23 year old graduate of Elon University and I now live in Raleigh NC. I am a pretty chill laid back person trying to get the most out of life.I don't have time for insecure people or those without vision, balance, or purpose.
I am a member of the First and the Finest, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. An ear piercing, glass shattering, earth moving, soul stiring Skeeeeee Weeeeeee to all of MY Sorors! Skee Phi Frat! Pink & Green kisses to all the other members of the D9.
10 Seconds
Solo Addition
1-Spr 02-Omicron Epsilon
I am in a committed and loving relationship with Brother Derek Cain, one of the most wonderful men I have ever known.
3-Spr 02-Pi Zeta
Survivors of WWIII
I know that I love him because I have realized that even his imperfections are perfection. We have reached the point of no return. I have never been this happy nor did I ever think that I would. This has been an incredible journey and we can only go up from here.

My Interests

Shoes! Bags! Love, my family, good food, good music, and good friends. And oh yea...shoes and bags. :-)

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, my great grandparents Dock & Della Hill, Oprah, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X, Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Will & Jada Smith, Bill Clinton, George Bush (I've got quite a few things I'd like to say to him) and of course SORORS, Frat, other Greeks from all over (NPHC Unity!), and folks that I went to high school with.


I LOVE the following artists and just about every song they have ever done:
Mary J. Blige
Alicia Keys
Mariah Carey
Jamie Foxx (I was on his nut sack BEFORE Unpredictable)
Kenny Latimore
Luther Vandross (Rest In Peace)
Anita Baker
Aaliyah (Rest In Peace)
Kelly Clarkson
I am sure I'm forgetting somebody...so I'll be updating this list as soon as I remember.


ANYTHING with Big Willie (Will Smith for those of you who don't know)
ANYTHING with Denzel
Matchstick Men
Coming to America
The Incredibles
Shrek 1 & 2
Oceans 11 & 12
Mission Impossible I, II, & III
Pooty Tang (that is a funny movie...but I recommend watching it while drunk...its the BEST!)
Napolean Dynomite
Lady and the Tramp


America's Next Top Model
Desperate Housewives
Most shows on the Style channel
Spongebob Square Pants
Fairly Odd Parents
Family Guy
Drawn Together
Yeah....I'm pretty much into reality TV & cartoons


Beautylicious - The Black Girl's Guide to the Fabulous Life, I'm Free But It'll Cost Ya (2 books I just finished reading), SHINE by Star Jones. I don't care what you have to say about her ... Star is the TRUTH!!


My mommy. Anyone who can raise a badass like me by herself should be everyone's hero. I love you Mommy!!!

My Blog

Interracial Dating ... We Are The World?!?

So... I was speaking with this guy (who shall remain nameless) about interracial dating. And I asked him why did he date white girls. And his answer was that black girls are so controlling and we have...
Posted by Tiffani on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 03:22:00 PST

20 Questions

1. Does anybody besides me realize that even though Chamillionaire raps about it being a "Playstation controller"  in the song "Riding" feat. Krazy Bone, its CLEARLY an Xbox controller in the vid...
Posted by Tiffani on Sun, 14 May 2006 09:12:00 PST

Is a GOOD Black man really that hard to find?

I've been on Myspace for a while now and it is time to let the world know my opinion on a few topics. I'll start with a good Black man ... Ladies, is a good black man really that hard to find? You may...
Posted by Tiffani on Wed, 10 May 2006 12:46:00 PST

The Survey

As if you'd ever want to know more about me .... TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Tiffani Birthday: 9-22 Birthplace: Elizabethtown, NC Current Location: Raleigh, NC Eye Color: brown Hair Co...
Posted by Tiffani on Tue, 02 May 2006 11:22:00 PST

In Love

I love Derek Lewis Cain with all of my heart. He is the best boyfriend in the entire world. I never expected to love anyone as much as I love him. I am glad that God has placed him in my life and&nbs...
Posted by Tiffani on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:37:00 PST