Gestalt-Risla profile picture


About Me

Gestalt-Risla is composed of two human beings, some guitars, keyboards, computers and other sundry sonic sources. Kraut/space/rock is their mode and modus, the cosmos is their carnal kick. Existing within the void they arrange non-existant and utterly contingent elements into a celebration of the anthropic priciple. Its a lot of fun, but then the void always was, (is) ask any existential being. THE PAST... Big subject...Andreas Gestalt spent years of delirium searching for a Drug Free America, saw the impossibility of this, and set sail aboard the Ship Of Fools. Alas, like so many before them, the Fools sailed off the edge of the world. Who then can blame him, poor human flotsam, for clinging to the "rocks" of the Duchamp/Beuys spatial anomaly for so long?Ernst Risla is a universally aknowledged genius with sensory abilities that defy the understanding of the finest earthly minds and the most subtle instruments of measurement. A major creative force in the micro environment of "Erictheviaduct" he now begins to spread his wisdom and vision into the world as you know it. real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/15/2008
Influences: Kosmiche musik in all its manifestations.
Sounds Like: Some air vibrating in response to our physical and mental actions
Record Label: Why?

My Blog

Let us rock and, to a certain extent, roll.

Things have changed a bit and we are now multitracking on a borrowed Roland VS 1680. Andreas plays acoustic and electric guitars, flute, analogue synthesiser, and does some programming on his lap...
Posted by on Tue, 20 May 2008 07:22:00 GMT

For those who listen

All the music on this page was recorded using basic equipment.  It was all played live at our regular Thursday night session.  Yes, there are bum notes and other errors,  oh well. ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:52:00 GMT