Truancy, Mustaches(Real and Fake), Nudity(All Kinds), BeDazzlers, Hot Pants, Lethal Injection, Punch Cards, Last Requests(B4 i kill a foo), Memoirs of a Geisha, Pee Breaks, Doin a number 2, Family Reunions.
Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant, Micheal Ian Black, or the color teal.
Led ZeppelinPink FloydDAFTPUNKJusticeQueendigitalismErol AlkanKavinskyDel tha funkee homosapianAphex TwinM83David BowieGirl TalkRage Against The MachineNINE INCH NAILSGODSPEED!Jimi Hendrix. ED BANGER RECORDS:
motion pictures. even motionless pictures. they're fine too. well i guess those are just called pictures, but none the less i still like them. They are fine. nothing against motion pictures. I like them too. uh i mean probably more than just normal pictures, but no offense to the normal pictures. you know i probably like them both the same. why can't there just be a normal picture section on here? that would make things so much easier....someone please do that. hurry!
Reno 911.The Sopranos.Curb Your Enthusiasm.Human Giant.Da Ali G Show.Stella.Nip/Tuck.South Park.Venture Bros.The State.Best Week Ever...fuck you.
Vonnegut, Twain, Coleridge, Huxley, Orwell, Moore, Keats, Hunter S. Thompson
Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant. Lethal Injectionists (modern day executionists)ERIC EAST