E. J. Irish profile picture

E. J. Irish

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am CEO at newVISIONaryNETwork®. We are a network of people who love God or are curious about knowing more about God, and therefore, asking significant questions about Him.
We also emphasize the arts and learning to worship God through them and by them. We are also very much into prayer and prayer training. As founder and speaker of nVn I have over twenty five years of prayer training experience.
If you want to check it out more throughly you can find over 50 webpages on our newVISIONaryNETwork website at:
My passion is for sharing the blessings of praise, prayer and developing a hearing heart for God's voice with all believers both Gentile and Jewish.
It's my desire to transfer the skills necessary to help people know how to become more interactive with God and to develop a richer, fuller life of faith.
I am also involved in teaching naturopathic health and supernaturopathic (supernatural) healing methods from a biblical perspective.
To my mind, a truly compassionate Christian ministry needs to help people learn more about God's plan for health through natural and supernatural healing.
God can heal through a supernatural miracle, that is, through a divine healing, or through an "ordinary miracle" found in natural cures, or a combination thereof.
Regardless of how He does it, we believe that God is by His very nature not only our loving Father, but our Great Physician.
In my limited free time I enjoy bicycling, tennis, skiing, collecting license plates and the arts of any and every kind.
It has been a blessing to have a diverse career path. I have a rich background in interdenominational spiritual leadership and in the arts.
My experience includes being a pastor, professor, Bible teacher, minister to the secular university campus, spiritual adviser to political leaders, contemplative prayer practitioner and trainer, award-winning singer/songwriter, guitarist and worship team leader and at the Walt Disney Company.
In Hollywood I served as creative consultant for "The Animated Bible Project" - precursor to a later animation group which went on to produce "Prince of Egypt" and "Joseph: King of Dreams" at DreamWorks Studios.
For a time I also served as assistant to the Corporate Legal Counsel at Ticketmaster world headquarters in Los Angeles where I learned much about entertainment law and structuring finances for creative projects.
But the role I find most rewarding is that of being a good son, brother, cousin and uncle to my beloved family located mostly in the Heart of America region.
Right now I am now using my production experience as executive producer of a docu-video series "Kansas City Neighborhoods"® and "Kansas City Congregations"® to help build a greater sense of community and compassion throughout the various denominations and neighborhoods of my beloved home town.
I am also the author of several books on prayer and on spiritual subjects. I like to think that I am "a renaissance man" with a Christian heritage and perspective.
All these experiences have helped me gain a wider spectrum of understanding in many areas and a unique, unified faith-based worldview upon which to build greater biblically-based unity within the body of Christ.
It is my sincere hope to be of some service in helping to defend the faith even while reaching out in friendly, diplomatic ways to people of other religious traditions and unbelievers alike.
Our newVISIONaryNETwork's general offices are located in Kansas City, with friends and associated congregations and home groups in other cities and regions as well.
DISCLAIMER - While we have many friends from a wide variety of denominations within the community of faith and with whom we share common faith and core beliefs, as well as friends from other religious traditions other than Christianity - newVISIONaryNETwork® does not necessarily share or endorse all beliefs of the many people with whom we are friends, with whom we pray, or who you might see or meet here.
Due to the very nature of the Internet and the kind of technology we are all a part of here at MySpace, we cannot and do not desire to control every opinion or expression you will see here.
We do encourage and kindly request everyone to be kind and courteous to others, and to attempt to use the best, clearest, and most refined language possible as we are here not just to please ourselves but to honor and rightly represent God, and to increase and advance His kingdom.
If abusive or unrefined expressions continue, we do reserve the right to pull anyone's comments, or even "de-friend" them in extreme cases.
One of our favorite quotes in the whole world is, "The truth will lose nothing upon investigation." So to all we say, "Welcome" and to all we say, "Decide for yourself what you believe, who you believe, and who you want to befriend here."
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Besides God who I have already met and perfer above all others? Billy Graham, Ravi Zacharias, David Letterman's mom, Woody Allen, R. C. Sproul, Jr., Laurie Dhue, Jackie Chan, J. P. Morland, Chip Ingram, Robert Osborne, Robin Williams, Chinese fine artist He Qi (aka Heqi).

A couple more of my favorite quotes -

"The times are too grave, the challenge too urgent, and the stakes too high... We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future. As Winston Churchill said... If we open a quarrel between the present and the past, we shall be in danger of losing the future. Today our concern must be with that future. For the world is changing. The old era is ending. The old ways will not do... It is time for a new generation of leadership." - John F. Kennedy, 1960.

"If ever there was a time when God's elect should cry day and night to Him, it is now. Will you not offer yourself to God for this blessed work of intercession and count it the highest privilege of your life to be a channel through whose prayers God blessing can be brought down to earth? - Andew Murray 1888.

My Blog

Khas o Khaashaak - .3 H .'4'© - 'F*.'('* 'Ì1'F

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnDg1wkms7s Where is the real vote? Stand with the freedom-loving Iranian protesters! Pray for justice for Iran and for all nations.
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 08:58:00 GMT

Kansas City Film Festival Presents Reel Spirit Awards for Young Filmmakers

The 2009 Kansas City FilmFest presents Reel Spirit on Saturday morning, April 25, 2009. Winning entries, as determined by the judges, will be shown on the big screen at the historic Screenland Crossro...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 20:12:00 GMT

FOX Sports on MSN - More Sports - 'Stump' wins Westminster show as oldest dog

http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/9205684/'... How About that Stump?
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:23:00 GMT

Ben Steins Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and the Need for Comprehensive Educational Reform

It would seem that we tend towards extremes in civilization. During the entire 19th and early 20th centuries, no Darwinist need apply for jobs in the American public schools. Since the post-WWII era ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:48:00 GMT

Happy St. Patrick’s Day and a Little Irish History

Well, it’s that time of year again - the time when all of us become Irish, and even the Irish became "a wee bit more so."While many think of St. Patrick chasing out the snakes, truth is, he was ...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:03:00 GMT

Walt Disney on Faith, Church, Bible Study, Prayer and God

In these days of world tensions, when the faith of men is being tested as never before, I am personally thankful that my parents taught me at a very early age to have a strong personal belief and reli...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 00:38:00 GMT

Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media Production of Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian Movie

Those of you who know me well - know I love Walt Disney Productions and C. S. Lewis, particularly the Chronicles of Narnia series. The latest in the series to go into live action production is "Narnia...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 23:20:00 GMT