Well where do I start.... My background is in playing sports - I played football professionally, as well as volleyball nationally.
I was raised by an incredibly awesome lady - Mom - aka "Bad Mamma" whose passion was her God, her children, and taking care of her mom, "Granny", until she passed away in '99 at 92 years of age. It was through her that I learned the meaning of the word 'servanthood", without even knowing the word itself. She sent all three of us through private school, maintained her home and job, and took care her mother. I often remember her challenge "Phil remember who you are and remember Whose you are."
I recently had the privelege of spending some time with Craig Scott, brother to the late Rachel Scott, of the Columbine Massacre in '99, to have him share some of her vision of elevating the compassion for ALL people. Rachel challenged us to live our lives with compassion for others.
I also have the awesome privilege of surrounding myself with coaches/mentors that in their own regard have far surpassed me in some areas of life: To my younger brother Ray: Thanks for continuing to push me to be the best I can be (C3). To my friend Esmon: You always want him on your side in battle. To my friend Dean: I watched you through adversity continue the quest of living a GREAT life not just a good life. To my friend Fenton: I've seen you fail enough that now I watch you succeed and, most of all, to my wife Candice: You are absolutely gorgeous, and continue to be patient with me, and examplify a Proverbs 31 woman.
Being a husband and father in the world we live in today, these things are ALL important to me, yet so underdeveloped. This keeps me on a quest of my own.... To live a life where I will be liked by few hated by many respected by ALL. .
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