About Me
There are beaches to have fun on, and SUN to keep you warm. I like to think I'm surviving life here on the Big Island, literally surviving.I've been here on the big island for over three years now. I enjoy most every memory I've created since I've lived in paradise. As life goes though there are always moments you wish you could forget. I don't regret anything. I live life and I love it.How did I get here? Great question. I was shipped over here, from Washington (state). My little brother moved over with a girl that he was dating, she didn't stay very long, but my brother, Adam, met a guy who owned an internet cafe. He began managing the cafe, then was given the opportunity of a lifetime. He had the opportunity to open up his very own skatboard shop. For those of you who were in Kona three years ago, may remember SK808. That was my brother and my skate shop. My brother had no idea how to run a store, and I had the money and know how, so he had me shipped over to help him out. Unfortunately I was only here for month, then had to go back to WA to sort my things out in order to move back. By the time I got back, our business partner pretty much F***ed my brother out of the shop. Don't worry, Karma bit him in the ass, he lost his cafe within months, of screwing my brother and I out of the skate shop. I have faith though, that someday my brother will own another skate shop and it will be fantastic!
Thus Hawaii has been blessed with my presence. =-pHaHa. =-)That's how I got to the island. My decision to stay was all in a matter of catching my first wave, seeing a sea turtle swim past me, looking over the next set comming at me and wittnessing a green flash.
A "Green Flash" is a bright flash of green; created by a clear horizon, when the sun is setting. It's the last color in the spectorum that we see. Some people have lived here their entire lives and never seen one. I've seen my share, but the first one, was what set in stone that I would go home, get my life together and hop back on a plane to live in paradise.Never in my life did I ever expect to see the sunlight of Hawaii. My family didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up, we never got to travel, so when opportunity was at my doorstep, I had no other choice then to take in everything I could.I was here about five months, when my brother went back to WA for vacation; lets just say he never came back. He stranded me on an island. How rude is that. =-)
His bad! He chose cold, wet, depressing weather over paradise. Oh well.No Worries though, My little brother came back. He is now here, living in Kona. We haven't really gotten along for the last year, but he's finally comming around. I feel like I have my little brother back finally... He is my best friend. When we were back in WA, we would spend every day together; wake up hop on his bike and just cruz all day.I like to travel home atleast once a year. My mom has been over here twice now, and is coming for a third time in Dec. for the holiday's. She'll be here for a full three weeks. We'll see how it goes.My mom is also my best friend. Come to think of it, the three of us are the only family we have, and we are all best friends. well not so much my brother, but we are pretty close.I guess you could say, I'm a "mama's girl". My mom and I have the most honest and open relationship. I could never ask for more. Even when she knows she doesn't really want to know the truths about some aspects of my life, I'm honest with her, and she loves me that much more for it. I don't like lieing to anyone, especially to my mother!My best friend in the entire world (21yrs. he's been my best friend) finally made it over this year to see me. It's amazing how many people don't want to come visit you when you live in Hawaii. Most think that it is too expensive. In all honestly it's relativly cheap. You can find tickets for under $400.00 round trip most of the year. The cost of living is more yes, especially dairy. But if you know people to stay with, it's completely worth it.I haven't always had a place to call my own while living here. I've moved a LOT. I was pretty much homeless for the first year and a half that I was here, bouncing from one couch to the next, but people are very friendly and open to help people out.I don't do drugs, I don't drink, trying life sober for once. So far, I love it! I appreiciate life so much more, I have more energy for everything, and I remember a lot more.I am a painter, I've been painting for over a year now. I love to paint, most people don't enjoy it, too boring they say. I enjoy every moment of it; and I make great money. When I say I paint, I dont meen art. I paint houses. You can check out my pictures and see some of the work that I have done.
Currently working on a multi-million dollar home that is in the process of being built, mostly frustrating, working around all the concrete guys, tile guys, carpenters, but I love it. We are, well were an all girl crew (excluding my boss) for the longest time; now it is half and half.I have very few girlfriends on the island, I've met plenty of awesome chicks, and surprisingly gotten along with most of them; but very few do I ever hang out with.My best girlfriend I had, just moved to the mainland. I cried for days. But hopefully the move is best for her and her daughter; only time will tell I guess.
My other best girlfriend has a baby and lives about an hour away, so we never get to see eachother. Last time I saw her was at her baby shower, her son is probably 9 months old now, I see her in passing from time to time, but never get to hang out.I am currently playing the single life. Very rarely am I ever single, it's been that way since I was 15. I'm not needy, and not dependent on a man, I just always have one. So I'm trying to 'grow up' I guess. My last relationship was with my best friend. We were best friends for a year and a half, then began a fantasic relationship, but I guess we just decided we were better as friends. I would have rather salvaged the great friendship we had then to stuggle with a relationship and loose the friendship.I'm no good at the dating game, so I'm just trying to straighten my life out right now. So far so good! I have lots of friends and support. I have my Hani Dad, my boss; his family is fantastic, I love his wife and two girls, they are great.I do plan on moving back to WA eventually. I was ready to go back to school this last spring, but that didn't happen.
I will got back to school eventually, half way to my AB (associates in Business) then I plan to get a degree in Business Management and Advertising. I figure by the time I'm done with that I'll figure out what I really want to do in life, hehez.I look to meet anyone that is intelligent and interesting, spontanious and fun.I Love my family more than anything!
I Love my friends like nothing else!
I Love myself as I do everyone around me.There are no promises in life!
Live Life.
Love Life.Hummor and Laughter are the best medecine.
Smile with every opportunity.May today there be peace within you. May you trust god that you are EXACTLY where you are meant to be.My theory on Dejavu:
Every time I experience dejavu, it tells me one thing and one thing only, every time. That, I am exactly where I was meant to be at that moment in my life. regardless of your decisions, that one moment however few or far between they accur, your doing what was meant for you to be doing.Don't regret anything. You must learn from every choice and decision you make in life. There is no time for going back, or dwelling on what could have happend; it only prevents you from moving foward.and with that, I say.Embrace your past, for without it, you cannot be your true self now.Aloha!