Well if it doesn't involve beer/whiskey, music, danger,loud/fast vehicles, mud, blood or fire i'm not really gonna be interested. Believe it or not this hillbilly is trained to save your life, scary ain't it lol. Along with being a certified Emergency Medical Technician I'm also a local firefighter with certificates in Vehicle Rescue, Rope Rescue, Water Recue, basic/structural firefighter and a stupid program that the federal government says we first responders must have National Incident Management System
Take the quiz:
What type of firefighter are you?
Truck Company vents and searches. This company is very important. They save lives and help the engine company complete their job by allowing air in the building
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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mostly country,classic rock,and anything other then rap/hip hop. If it has a good beat or you can do something crazy to it it's good enough for me.
You Are 70% Redneck
You're just about as welcome up in town as a hair in a biscuit.Ain't no hidin' your redneck roots!
How Redneck Are You?
Emergency "Squad 51", A-Team, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Rescue Me, M*A*S*H, ER, Dragnet, Get Smart, Dukes of Hazzard yeeeehaawww!
What's that. I guess ones with pictures.
Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice: A muppet
Your Favorite Target: Hospital workers
Your Kill Count: 1,233,462,244
Your Battle Cry: "Who let the dogs out?"
Years You Spend in Jail: 28
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $98,992,739,494,429
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 44%
Quiz created with MemeGen !
The one and only ACTION JACKSON LOL!
Superman, Batman, Wyatt Earp, Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Doc Holiday, sum it up every western outlaw! Oh yeah can't forget Robert E. Lee
Quote when Jesse James was asked why you rob them trains he said "It's just what I do when I can't get no lovin!"Me and Sammy Smith alittle drunk!