Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Current mood: creativeCategory: Life"AIM "As achild my vision of life was distorted.It seem to me like everyone was purpose driven but me.I found myself day dreaming more each day trying to vision afuture and a better place to be.Growing up in poverty didn't really bother me at the time .Cause all I knew was my community.I thought it was normal and a everyday thing to grind.In School they use to laugh and point.Some wouldn't even come close.I tried to join conversations but remained as if I were invisible like a ghost.Once I reached puberty things started to be come clear to me.It's the image of a individual that determines who is who in this society.If the individual is strong enough He Or She can live in their own image.If not they are excepted for following one already invinted.I decided then to condition myself to stand powerful.From this decision on education became desireable.Self awareness strenghthend and molded me over the years.It erased fears and stop the shed of tears letting me know who I is.I'm a man with a purpose to always be strong.Now that My vision is clear I AIM to stay focus on helping others stand own their own.And then maybe one day we can except every man or woman as an IndividualDELRICO AKA "NAIBU" (swahili for REPRESENATIVE)"AIM FOR THE STARS ATLEAST YOU'LL REACH THE CLOUDS"