Superman profile picture


About Me

My name is Kal-El. I am the last survivor of the planet Krypton. I was sent to earth by my father, Jor-El, and by my mother, Laura Lor-Van whom I neither know nor remember. Working as a scientist in Kryptonopolis (Krypton's Capital City), my father predicted the destruction of the entire planet by reading the planet's seismic activity. The other scientists mocked him, their resolution being the planet's seismic activity was just a shift in Krypton's orbital rotation. My father and mother sent me here to Earth to escape Krypton's imminent destruction. Here I was raised in Smallville, Kansas by my adoptive parents Johnathan and Martha Kent. I was named Clark Joseph Kent by my parents after my mother's maiden name, Martha Clark. This is the name that I assume to protect my secret identity. This is also the alter ego that I assume while attending "normal" life as Clark Kent. I attended Smallville High and lived like any normal teenager. Except I was not a normal teenager. I had superhuman abilities. At first I knew of my super strength and my amazing speed. As time progressed I found I had X-ray vision, heat vision, super sensitive hearing, ice chilling breath, and the ability to fly. I learned that my abilities were a result of Earth's yellow sun and the effect it had on my Kryptonian heritage. Krypton's sun was a much larger and denser red sun with a greater gravitational pull than a yellow sun. My biology is affected by Earth's yellow sun. So in that way, it gives me abilities that otherwise would not be "normal" of Krpytonians. These abilities gave me the great responsibility to help others that are in trouble. Earth's yellow sun does not have a sole affect on just me. It also affects other Kryptonians who venture to Earth (there have been some points in my life where I have encountered these individuals) and pieces of my home planet that have fallen to Earth. Just like how meteors become meteorites after passing through the Earth's atmosphere, kryptonite is the result of pieces of my home planet Krypton, after they fall to earth. Earth's yellow sun has an effect on kryptonite. Because of the naturally dense molecular structure, Earth's sun accelerates the molecule's chemistry giving these Kryptonian rocks a poisoning affect on me. The gravity on earth is far less that the gravitational pull of Krypton, thus giving me the ability to defy gravity and fly. My childhood had many fond memories including the girl that I once loved in High School Lana Lang. The thing that I mostly value is the strong relationship that was forged between my parents and I. This was shared throughout my childhood and continued to be like a safe haven for me during my upbringing and the discoveries of my own talents. As I grew older and after I graduated from High School, I ventured to the north pole guided by one of my planet's knowledge crystals. It was there, that my Fortress of Solitude was formed. From this 'fortress' of mine, I recieved my training and educational knowledge from my paternal father Jor-El from the data crystals that he had placed in the spaceship that brought me to earth. After I was taught everything that was given for me to learn, I then discovered the sort of person I was destined to become. I returned to Metropolis to attend Metropolis University, gaining a degree in Journalism. Metropolis is where I now work as a newspaper reporter for the Daily Planet. At the Daily Planet I am always up to date on recent events that are unfolding, thus giving me the ability to act on the information that I receive to help the rest of mankind. I am surrounded by friends that I have met and close friendships were cultivated. Lois Lane is an intrepid reporter that risks everything in her competition for news stories that elevate her career. I know that I truly love this woman and every aspect of her personality but she doesn't love Clark Kent. She views Clark as more of a rival, and she continually seeks to outperform him as a reporter. She is, however, genuinely attracted to Superman. This presents a problem for I don't know if she would ever love Clark the way she is fond of Superman. It is truly hard for me to continue to conceal my identity from her, but to keep everyone out of more danger, I am willing to sacrifice my happiness for the safety of the ones that I love. Ironic isn't it? I will always continue in my quest to find more information about who I am and what my home planet was like. I always endeavor to seek new information of the galaxy and all that there is in it. But to me Earth is my home and it will always be the only home that I will never know...

The woman I love...

My Fortress of Solitude

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My real Kryptonian Parents Jor-El and Laura Lor-Van.

My Blog

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