treverlong PHOTOGRAPHY profile picture

treverlong PHOTOGRAPHY

I am here for Networking

About Me

I’m a Photographer working out of the Metro-Detroit area currently pursuing a BFA in photography at the College for Creative Studies.Primarily I shoot live events (concerts, festivals, etc) and promotional materials for bands (portraits, posters, album covers, etc.)
If you want me to shoot your band live or for promo contact me @ [email protected] and we can probably work something out.
Check out my portfolio @:
Or my more extensive photo catalog @:
The Black Keys
@ The Royal Oak Music Theatre
Royal Oak, Mi

Rick Ruiner

My Blog

hard lessons/carjack/joey and the traitors

on friday night i got the chance to make it out to a new venue in rochester aptly called 'the factory' to shoot the hard lessons/carjack show. hearing before hand that it was a fairly new place and th...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:35:00 GMT