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About Me


Who am I? Before I am anything else, I'm a child of The Almighty God. I am also a creative writer, who writes by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I'm an educator, an author, poet, writer of Christian fiction and non-fiction.I am one who uses a pen to promote the kingdom of God. I am also an entrepreneur. I am co-founder and co-owner of a Christian school, Anointed Minds Institute, LLC, and the founder and president of the newly established Goldwrite Publishing, a faith-based independent press.My first Christian fiction novel,The Lovechild, published by Kensington Publishing. It is now available in bookstores everywhere.In The Lovechild Makaeli Lovechild Hunt, a successful fashion designer struggles with her biracial identity until a family emergency forces her to face her tumultuous past. In seven life altering days, she discovers what forgiveness really means and amidst crises painful enough to make her turn her back on God forever, she learns what it means to be God’s lovechild. Purchase your copy now and be one of the first to get it hot off the presses.I am currently working on my second Christian fiction novel as well as pursuing other writing projects.Right now I'm enjoying my life as a wife,mother, entrepreneur,and as a writer, passionate about her calling.

August 2008 events-The Lovechild Book release and Faith and Fiction Retreat

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet any writer, author, reader or anyone with a love for or sincere interest in books and/or the written word. I'd also like to meet any person on the battlefield for Christ.

My Blog

The Unseen Review (Thomas Nelson Publishers)

The Unseen Review      In the Unseen, the author T.L. Hines weaves an intricate tale of suspense and intruige as he creates the unforgettable character, Lucas, and the morally reprehensible Creep Club...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 14:39:00 GMT

The Moon Shines Down Review (Thomas Nelson Publishers)

The Moon Shines Down Review The Moon Shines Down by Margaret Brown, author of the children's classic Goodnight Moon, a personal favorite of mine, is no less than a Godsend. The book begins with a gl...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 11:43:00 GMT

A Writing Epiphany-The Moment My Life Changed

Yes, I had an epiphany about six years ago. I was sitting in my office having a simple conversation with my business partner and closest friend when she mentioned a writer from the newspaper. I don't...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 11:41:00 GMT

Book review

Circus Clowns & Carnival Animals by Bobby Austin is a fine literary work. It is more than just a collection of short stories, but is instead a collection of stories that are intertwined, weaved to...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 12:37:00 GMT

Interceptions Book review

     Interceptions by Stacy Robinson is the tale of a college romance gone bad when Stefanie Pointer relinquishes her identity to her boyfriend Ricky powers. With love and the...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 13:54:00 GMT

My daughter’s wedding

 My daughter, Anais, was married yesterday on june 7th and I was so proud. It was a beautiful, intimate wedding ceremony and I am happy for she and her husband who are starting their new lif...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 19:17:00 GMT

Writing For the Kingdom

Writing For The Kingdom Writing for the kingdom that’s what we do steadfast,  creating in servitude our pens lifted toward destiny our pens lifted to set us free We’re empty vess...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 15:43:00 GMT

Resurrecting Vision

     Resurrecting Vision: 25 Steps To digging up Your Vision and seeing It Through God’s Eyes, my non-fiction title, will be available in April 2008.     ...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:26:00 GMT

My coming book release

     Here I am anxiously awaiting the release of my first novel  in August 2008, counting down the months, the weeks, and the days. Up until now my happiness about t...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:36:00 GMT