waddup i'm mary heather. i'm 23 years old n i live in salinas with the most awesome roommates ever. i also have the most awesome brothers and sister in the world. my younger brother augie is most likely the coolest junior you'll ever meet. hes got lungs like a dragon and can outsmoke anyone i know. my older sister vanessa has a fine collection of beautiful babies, shes doper than your sister =). my older brother adrian makes babies and thinks hes a dj, yeahhhh, haha, but get us all together and we're fucken hilarious. my brother augie describes us the best therefore i stole this part from his about me section cuz its perfect:"AUGIE: brother, professional licorice-whip fighter. amateur artist. dodge-ball legend. competitive eater. cooler than you. genius. at least part-retarded.
MHE: sister. alcoholic. pothead. life udda party. waaaay cooler than you or me. let her fade you up!
ADO: brother. father of two. un-named DJ. home depot. pothead. will straight clooown on you, make you cry. ESCOBEDO means: out of control. hide alcohol from us. thee partay itself. laugh= HUHUHUHUHUHU. MHE, Ado & augie5, brothers yo, best pals. blaaaze it. dont call the cops on us, please. Gonza. baaad genes."i feel thats the best way to put it.aim=wrkdupsosexxxual holler =)these are my boysthese are my girlsthis is our family
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