Water Wells For Africa profile picture

Water Wells For Africa

About Me

In Malawi only 37% of the population has access to safe water that is located within one kilometer. Additionally, in many cases where the government or other organizations have previously improved water supply sources, these sources have since broken down due to lack of maintenance and an effective transfer of knowledge and responsibilities to the local community. Malawi's difficult water supply situation, coupled with the poor sanitation and hygiene habits of rural communities has made water borne diseases a common and often deadly occurrence. Access to safe water reduces the scourge of water borne diseases and eases the burden on women and girls in rural communities.
globally, almost 2 million kids die each year due to water borne diseases... disease that can be reduced from just having access to clean drinking water.


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My Blog


Current Event:Student Discount tickets: $15 with valid student IDGroup discount: $15/per person in group of 5 or more.Pre-sale tickets available! Call today. 310.995.7079Past Success:March 27 2008, th...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 10:18:00 GMT

greeting card/post cards. available!

We now have greeting cards and post cards available for you to purchase! All proceeds go directly to funding water wells. greeting card:  caption on back says: This village chief and his wife wer...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:33:00 GMT