its a new time in my life. i like the way it looks right now. im gonna do for me from now on and for those that are there for me. i regret a lot of my past but i wont repeat it... and i wont leave myself open to the same shit i was surrounded by before.
I met a girl from my past not too long ago and things went WAY different than i ever thought they would. i have to see where it goes but so far she is fuckin awsome. (dont tell her i said so)!
i want to get a kit soon so i dont have to use a homemade tattoo gun anymore. the work still comes out good...but damn it takes too long to make a profit from it.ill get a kit real soon.
i still dont want anything to do with the people who forgot i was alive for my whole 8 1/2 year ride. YES i hold a grudge! it was 8 1/2 years...not a few days. that shit was should all try it.
im open to new people. hit me up if youre real...or dont bother.
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