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About Me

My NaMe iS

Glittery texts by

, Im 19, I hAvE LiGhT BrOwN HaIr AnD GrEeN EyEs WeLl tHeY ArE CoNtAcTs!I Am aBoUt 5'3"-5'4" So AnY WaY I JuSt gRaDuAtEd fRoM EaStErN HiGh ScHoOl!! 2006 bItChEs!! I wIlL mIsS My fRiEnDs ALoT, LIkE aLl My "DiLK" pEePs In gYm aNd dEfF Mr. DiLk!!!! "dEal with it" hAhA!!!AlL oF ThE ThInGs i lIkE ArE PoStEd iN InTrEsTs!! I LOVE RELAXIN N HAVIN SOME BEERS ON THE WEEKEND!!!! MY FAV DRINK IS CAPTIN N COKE!!!! I HAVE MY OWN CRIB IN VOORHEES!!! IT IS BANGIN'WELL I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY!!!! HAHA
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Name: LaUrEn
Birthday: 4-14-87
Birthplace: CaMdEn
Current Location: VoOrHeEs
Eye Color: BrOwN BuT GrEeN CoNtAcTs
Hair Color: BrOwN W/ bLoNdE HiGhLiGhTs
Height: 5'4"
Right Handed or Left Handed: RiGhT
Your Heritage: gErMaN
The Shoes You Wore Today: fLiPfLoPs
Your Weakness: CaSeY LeAvInG Me
Your Fears: To dIe iN a FiRe
Your Perfect Pizza: ExTrA ChEeSe
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LoL
Thoughts First Waking Up: WhAt tHe fUk i dOnT WaNt tO GeT Up!!
Your Best Physical Feature: My AsS~ SaId CaSeY
Your Bedtime: WhEn EvEr I P
Your Most Missed Memory: My BrO AnD CuZ
Pepsi or Coke: CoKe wItH CaPtIn~~ YeAh bAbIi~ TiFf
MacDonalds or Burger King: McDoNaLdS
Single or Group Dates: WhAt eVeR hE TaKeS Me oN!!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: LiPtOn
Chocolate or Vanilla: ChOcOlAtE
Cappuccino or Coffee: CaPpUcCiNo
Do you Smoke: yEaH SoMeTiMeS BuT CaSeY dOeSnT LiKe iT
Do you Swear: fUkIn RiGhT!!
Do you Sing: YeAh bUt u dOnT WaNt tO HeAr iT
Do you Shower Daily: sOmEtImEs 3 TiMeS AdAy!! sOrRy
Have you Been in Love: YeAh I ThOuGhT I WaS!! sTiLl LoVe hIm!!
Do you want to go to College: iM HeRe rIgHt nOw!!
Do you want to get Married: I dId!!!
&..39;Do you belive in yourself:' SoMeTiMeS!! nOt aLwAyS RiGhT ThO
Do you get Motion Sickness:
Do you think you are Attractive: sOmEtImEs i dO!!!
Are you a Health Freak: WhAt Do U ThInK
Do you get along with your Parents: YeAh!! I lOvE ThEm!!!
Do you like Thunderstorms: Uh If im NoT StUcK In ThEm!!!!
Do you play an Instrument: Uh No!!!
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Um YeAh BuT NoT As MuCh aS LaSt mOnTh!!
In the past month have you Smoked: No
In the past month have you been on Drugs: NaH!! Im To GoOd 4 ThEm!!!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: NaH DoEs A MoViE On ThE CoUcH CoUnT!!
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: YeAh iN BeCkLeY WV. CrOsSrOaDs!!!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: EwWwW No!!!
In the past month have you been on Stage: NaH!! ItS OnLy ThE 5Th
In the past month have you been Dumped: WeLl If ThAtS WhAt U CaLl A BrEaK!!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: NoT yEt!!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nAh I jUsT AsK My mOm n i gEt iT HaHa!!
Ever been Drunk: Uh YeAh U MiGhT WaNt To cAlL It SmAsHeD Or tAnKeD
Ever been called a Tease: YeAh eVeN By mY mAn
Ever been Beaten up: nAh!!
Ever Shoplifted: WeLl wHeN i WaS LiKe 6 N My mOm MaDe mE ReTuRn iT!!!
How do you want to Die: iN My sLeEp!!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A TeAcHeR!!!
What country would you most like to Visit: AlL Of ThEm!!!
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: DoNt cArE
Favourite Hair Color: DaRk
Short or Long Hair: ShOrT!!!
Height: TaLlEr ThAn Me
Weight: MoRe ThAn Me!! BuT NoT FaT!!!
Best Clothing Style: AnY!!!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Um!!!!
Number of CDs I own:&..39;
Number of Piercings: WeLl!!! UsE To bE 12 bUt!!
Number of Tattoos: OnE a HeArT On mY LeFt BoOb!!
Number of things in my Past I Regret: CrUsHiN PrEtZeLs AlL OvEr CaSeYs HoUsE So He wOuLd GeT MaD At Me!!!

My Interests

i love going to the BaR. go to the ClUb, and go to PhIlLy and AtCo to see the races. I also love to get "Absolutely" DrUnK hehe Ash!! I love to hang out with my friends!!! . I love my ladies yup yup i love my chicks!!! i will ever forget prom weekend I was drunk off my ass!! but not as bad as JoHn GrAdY!! me and kris had to carry him back to the bed. He was passed out on the chair sitting up. n also i had to help him get changed into another pair of pants WHILE HE WAS STILL PASSES OUT cuz he spilled a WHOLE beer on himself.MAN WAS THAT HARD n ill never forget the DrUnK DrIvEr GaMe!! FuK ThAt GaMe!! It GaVe Me PlEnTy Of hAnG OvErS!!i also love to take shots with my chik danii!!! haha n whitneys party at bobbys!! SpInN ThE LiGhTeR!! haha. the best game ever!! got me fuked up!! mAd FuN TiMeS AnD MoRe tO CoMe!!! fOr Sh0!!! oh yeah john n thanks for the tooters!!!! what u know about that!!!! lOvE yOu GuYs!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet the man of my dreams!!! i thought i met him but i guess i was wrong~~~almost 4 years!!! yeah i guess it doesnt mean a lot to someone like it did to me!!!! thanks!!!!

Myspace Codes:



StUfF i CaN DaNcE 2!! n now country!!! what the hell


ladder 49--- thanks john!! n WhItE ChIkS~ thats my shit HoLd My PoOdLe~~~~ haha herb


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i dont read!!!!


u know my new weekend crew!!! u kn0 who u r!!!! love u guys!!!AnYoNe wHo LiKeS To gEt mAdDdDdDd
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