i love colors red, pink, purple, yellow. i love eating! chicken, pastas, creps, chocolates, chinese, japanese and filipino food! i cook (and i know how to fry crispy patas. haha). i love baking. but i don't eat much when i bake. i love rock climbing, but i had to stop 'cause its beggining to ruin my hands. too much of my vanity! i collect jackets and sweaters, make-up, lipstick, and bags! but i don't actually use them. haha
I met him and i'm totally devoted to this guy. I never want to lose him. because he's the only one i'm livin for, my Husband.. my Tristan. Love is the most valuable commodity in the world. we all need love just like a fish needs water. without love, life would not be worth living. with love in our lives we are empowered beyond belief. without love in our lives we will shrivel up and die a slow, painful and lonely death. love is the very essence and core of our being. it is the energy that sustains who and what we are. everyone in life has a deep-rooted desire to love and be loved. that, my friends, is what falling in love is...at least, that's what i believe in..
the calling, john meyer, mandy moore - still wholesome and stylish., female rock - i'm more of a rock listener eh..
Somewhere in Time, Romeo and Juliet, and Moulin Rouge.
charmed, smallville, sex and the city yeah! i have the 3seasons of the hbo collection!
memoirs of giesha, princess diaries, the notebook, harry potter series, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, veronika decides to die, confessions of a shoppaholic, shoppaholic ties the knot... those readings that i had to read for myx. haha