♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ profile picture


There's gotta be more to lyfe than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me!

About Me

♥the name's [STACIA] ♥but i go by:
♥ [STAY]
♥and [STAY STAY] as well
♥i ♥ [GOD]
♥i ♥ my baby[AMESON]
♥17 'nd [♥n it]
♥Dutchtown High School
♥SN:message me to get that one
♥anything else u wanna [know]
♥[2 fuqin bad]

° . bOuT yOu . °
.nAmE. stacia
.aGe. 17
.BiRtHdAe. 10.23
.WeIgHt. 115
.HeIgHt. 5.7
.HaIr. black w/ brown highlights
.EyEs. black/ hazel wit contacts lol
.SkIn. brown
.BeStFrEn. robert nd corri we been thru some ish
° . fAvOrItEs . °
.AnImAl. dolphin
.CoLoR. ocean blue
.nUmBeR. 3 or 7
.gUyS nAmE. danye
.gIrLs NaMe. anecia or lacarla
.PeRsOn. mi nephy wefy
.CeLeBrItY. fefe dobson
.fOoD. peperoni pizza
.dRiNk. code red mountain dew
.AlCoHoLiC bEvErAgE. wine coolers lol grew up on thoze
.iCeCrEaM. mint chocolate chip
.sOnG. walk away
.sInGeR. aaliyah
.mOvIe. white chickz some memories wit that one lol
.Tv ShOw. big comfy couch
.CaRtOoN cHaRaCtEr. pooh
.CuRsE wOrD. fuck
.hObBi(Es). phone/computer
.ShOeS. jordans
.pLaCe(S). CoMo and tha burg
.sUbJeCt. math
.TeAcHeR. mr.solt
.sPoRt. track
° . OuTtA yA fReNz WhO iS/aRe ThE/wHo Do YoU dOt DoT dOt . °
.CrY wItH tHe MoSt. first ty then ronald
.LaUgH wItH tHe MoSt. robert peezy ty snoop 'nd ronald pic. this 1926 Cecily runnin down a DIRT road i twist my shin on a rock! stupid asses
.FiGhT wItH tHe MoSt. ronald
.MoSt AnNoYiNg. ronald when we fight
.LoUdEsT. me peezy 'nd la'sha
.qUiEtEsT. ty and tonyatta
.cRaZiEsT. me
.wEiRdEsT. ty and snoop they always cummin up wit new shyt to try
.mOsT rEtArDeD. corri
.sMaRtEsT. ronald 'nd jonathan
.sTuPiDeSt. corri she stuck on stupid
.SpEnD tHe MoSt TiMe WiTh. ronald tonyatta ty 'nd peezy
.SpEnD tHe LeAsT tImE wItH. robert 'nd corri...........................................'nd ashley on my good days lol j/p
.gEt AlOnG wItH bEsT. ty 'nd robert me 'nd him argue but can neva hang up "officially" mad
.gEt In ThE mOsT tRoUbLe WiTh. ronald tonyatta jonathan (tha science crew...got my ass KICKED OUT!!!) 'nd Peezy this yr. neva doin' what we're supposed to
.FuNnIeSt. Peezy.....i bet she thinkin throw me tha ball throw ME tha ball
.GoOfIeSt. la'sha
° . RaNdOm QuEsTiOnS . °
.wHo WaS yA fIrSt KiSs. no comment
.WhO wAs Ya LaSt KiSs. ??????
.FiRsT bOyFrEn/GiRlFrEn. Zack Petty
.LaSt BoYfReN oR gIrLfReN. Mitchell
.hOw LoNg WaS tHe ReLaTiOnShIp. lol not even gonna talk about it
.WhY dId YaLl BrEaK uP. we were better off FRIENDZ
.wHo WaS yA fIrSt CrUsH. Scott Freeman 2nd grade
.wHoS yA cUrReNt CrUsH. ??? prolly not who ur thinkin'
.wHo Do YoU sTrOnGlY dIsLiKe. fake ass bitches 'nd hoes 'nd at my skiil theres a lot of 'em
.HoW mAnY bOyFrEnZ/gIrLfReNz HaVe YoU hAd. more than u know about
.HaVe YoU eVeR sMoKeD. yes sad but ture :(
.eVeR dOnE dRuGs. no
.EvEr BeEn DrUnK. no
.ArE yOuR pArEnTs StIlL 2gEtHeR. hell NAW
.dO yOu HaVe BrOtHeRs Or SiStErS. yea
.iF s0o ThEn HoW mAnY. 1 sis. 1 step sis 2 step bros. 2 half bros. daddy's side 2 half sis. daddy's side that makes 4 sis. 'nd 4 bros.
.wHeNs ThE lAsT tImE yOu CrIeD. before thanksgiving break at skool (thanq TY i ? u for bein there for me!!!)
.wHy WeRe YoU cRyEn. some bullshyt...............but forget about it
.WhAtS tHe BiGgEsT tRaGeDy In Ya LiFe. findin' out my grandma has cancer
.WhEn WaS thE fUnNeSt DaY. blue bayou (w/ Peezy 'nd tha otha day wit T)
.wAtS yA mOsT mIsSd MeMoRy. CoMo 'nd tha burg
.LeAsT fAvOrItE tEaChEr. mrs. mayeaux (sometimes u just need to give it up) u can't teach sure i'm passin' wit a b but i got a F in calculus and i still dislike her more
.HoW mAnY dIfFeReNt ScHoOlS yOu BeEn ToO. 5
° . iN tHe PaSt MoNtH hAvE yOu DoT dOt DoT . °
.bEeN dRuNk. no
.SmOkEd. no
.BeEn On DrUgZ. no
.aTe A bOx Of OrEoS. yea......all tha tyme at work
.aTe IcEcReAm. if a shake counts
.BeEn ToO tHe MoViEs. no
.BeEn ToO tHe MaLl. yea
.BeEn On A dAtE. no
.aTe A bAg Of PoPcOrN. yea
.bEeN dUmPd. no
.DuMpD sUmOnE. no
.kIsSd SuMoNe YoU bArElY kNeW. no
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My Interests

My Nephew N My Bestfrien Peezy Peezy N Her Baby ♥As ii've alreadii stated ii love BASKETBALL, TRACK, 'nd my FRIIENDS
♥But ii couldn't liive wiithout mii PHONE!!!

I'd like to meet:

♥Honestly ii'm not iinto the whole ii wanna meet these celebriitiies thiing
♥II wanna meet my maker!
♥The other people ii reallii wanna meet are my famiily members that diied before ii was born!
♥II alreadii know iit's gonna happen!!


♥II listen ALL kiinds of musiic HIP HOP, R&B, rap, pop, country, techno, gospel, crunk, go-go, rock!!! ♥YOU NAME IIT II PROBABLII LIISTEN TO IIT!


♥II'm not reallii iinto the whole moviie thiing; but iif iit comes on TV ii'll probablii watch iit!!! (Liifetiime Moviies are the shiit!!!)


♥So You Thiink You Can Dance
♥Ameriica's Got Talent
♥Law 'nd Order
♥Biig Comfy Couch
♥The Parkers
♥Makiing the Band 3
♥The Hiills
♥Talk Sex (lol iinsiide joke)
♥Travel Channel (Tribal Stuff lol anotha iinsiide joke)
♥The Tyra Show
♥Ameriican Dragon


♥II read a lot of books, but ii don't liike to talk about that too much cause iit doesn't reallii iiterest me as a poiint of conversatiion. IIf u reallii knew me u'd understand. LOL!!! I'ma book nerd!!!♥ WHAT ELEMENTAL ANGEL ARE YOU?(NOW WITH BEAUTIFUL ANIME PICS)(EXTREMELY DETAILED ANSWERS)
You're a Light Angel. You are a very optimistic person. You love your friends and the world. You are also a fighter and can be opinionated but you don't care because you stand up for what you believe in (go you!). You love to reach your goals and also believe in love at first sight. You care for the world and you try to see the bright sides of things even when things look impossible. You search for true love but fail to find it (Unless you already did). It's not that your wierd or anything, you just have a very strong heart. You are a very hopeful person and wish the best for your friends and for your heart. You have beatiful white wings that are fluffy and welcoming, kind of like a cloud. You can be childish sometimes but that's just you. You love the light element and connect with it in many ways since you seek it all the time. Your love shines through the dark but you often can feel insecure and you long for comfort and colsore. To make another person smile makes your day. Even when your moody you try to cheer up others. You are selfless, compassinate, and most likely a patient person. You try your best to do everything you need to do each day but sometimes you feel like there is just never enough time. Your life will come to a standstill when you gaze upon your true love and from then on everything will set itself into place.COLORS: White, Yellow, PinkQUOTE: " IF I WAS AN ANGEL OF THE LIGHT WOULD YOU RESPOND TO MY CALLING. IF I WAS ALL THAT YOU COULD EVER WANT WOULD YOU CATCH ME AS I'M FALLING"
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♥Mii onlii hero iis GOD...ii've realiized the onlii person ii can rely on iis myself, my cuzin, 'nd GOD!!!♥

My Blog


Is it crazi to consider urself someone's friend, and they do sum stupid shyt like mess over u or say some shyt that should have never been said. ain't it weird how best can so quickly turn into worst....
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:35:00 PST


It's not the average shyt i'm mad at, no need to explain it cause u'd neva understand. know that's it's not a person who goes to dutchtown, or even in louisiana. it's the same person 'nd the same old ...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:09:00 PST

To my friend!!!

It was sum tyme before August 28th that i stopped talkin to u 'nd i guess u still haven't realized why. u don't care about anybody but yourself. every phone call was about u and robert and the same ol...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:07:00 PST

i'm on dat NEW shYt!!!!=]

Uh oh Stacia's on dat new shYt i've realized i ain't got time for stupid ass people that have so much tyme on their "busy" hands to sit around and scheme shYt dat don't even make since.....i don't ...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 03:43:00 PST

Day try to tell me 'bout MYSELF but if day onlii new!!!

i think it's so funny how everyone  thinks they've got me figured out, how everyone swears they know me like the back of their hand, how everyone believes they know my emotions and the thoughts b...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:20:00 PST

If u don't like it, that's NOT my problem!!!

I'm not actin differrent, just being me and if u don't like it that's not my problem!!!  It's so funny how the same people who were tellin' me i put too many people before me are the same on...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:08:00 PST

Life's what u make of it!!!

I can understand that u don't ALWAYS get what u want; but NEVER gettin' what u want....there's a problem with that one. i figure maybe u do always get what u want just not exactly when ...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:31:00 PST

CORNY but TRUE!!!!!!

i've realized that i dwell on the past too much...there's comes a time when u gotta let it go and my time has been past due for a while. i guess i came to peace with myself when i did the unth...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 08:37:00 PST

YEA u HURT me,but what can i say?!?

Maybe it 's my fault for thinkin' i knew what was really going on, but you see to know is to understand and the shit i've been through just isn't understandable. i blame myself for falling into th...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 04:46:00 PST

When all iis saiid 'nd done iit was stiill the PAST

U're stuck on the past so let's talk about it! Boyfriiend #1: II guess u could say Zack P. was mii 1st boyfriiend...in the 2nd or 3rd grade. We were young...so there's not much to tell. We broke up ob...
Posted by ♥1 MONTH STRONG♥ on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:46:00 PST