i ♥ my family. my baby girls Serena AND Layla (don't worry they're doggies!). friends. the beach. hawaii. taking pictures. acting. traveling. laughing. getting my nails done. dressing up. Christina Aguilera. puppies. flowers. birthdays. pink. black. blue. summertime. shopping. hot boys :). reminising. chocolate. swimming. L.A.. music. movies. Nick Lachey. txt msging. Family Guy. The Notebook. jeans. chocolate chip cookies. massages. watermelon. the smell of gasoline. NYC. animals. my tC. dancing. babies.
i don't ♥ wind. traffic. people who can't drive. rude people. guys who think they're all that. the trash truck at 7a.m.!. talking on the phone. spiders. flying in an airplane. cold weather in the summer. fake girls. rap. work. crying.
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
We'd see the day when nobody died