Trista Rose profile picture

Trista Rose

Happiest I have ever been

About Me

Softkey Left softkey Right"Those of us who try so hard to standout and be like no one else, usually only end up blending in. Therefore I will just be me and hope I standout to those I am honored to call my friends"found this heart layout at HOT / MyHotComments Take the quiz:
What is your college football team?

Georgia Bulldogs
You are a die hard DAWG fan!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Most days I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have an amazing family, the best friends a girl could ask for, and I am marrying the best guy! There never really seems to be a dull moment when they are around. I love being with them. When I am not working you can mostly find me with at least one of my closest friends, spending time with my family, spending time with Paul and Brandon, or right now planning my wedding for October 4. I love outdoor activities. I love to fish, go camping, hang out by the lake, ride four wheelers, and this season I started hunting. I love trying new things and meeting new people. I am always up for a good time. So please strike up a converstation.

My Interests

Reading, movies, travel. I love to read all kinds of books. I really enjoy cooking for my friends and special guest. I love to watch football on the weekends. Of course i am a dawgs fan and then my other fav is the Steelers. I know how does a GA girl become a steelers fan. I say fate!

I'd like to meet:

new people, i want to meet someone who suprises me by proving me wrong. Please shock me!
When we are kids we all make mistakes, we all do things we regret later in life. Therefore nothing before this moment matters, it just makes us who we are. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and look straight ahead because you never know what is right around the corner.


I like all kinds of different music. I guess i would be the setting and the mood i am in to determine how much i like different kinds. Classic Rock, Aerosmith is my favorite band, Of course i love country after all i am a Georiga Girl, but i can do just about any music. My Cd collection has a wide range of different kinds of music.


I love to laugh so comedy's are my favorite. I don't really have a favorite movie because there are so many great ones to choose from but if i had to choose it would be Dirty Dancing i could watch it over and over and I have too. (isn't that right Alaina!) but really there are so many good movies and different movies it is hard to choose a favorite


i really never watch tv anymore.


Anything by Janet Evanovich or Jennifer Crusie. I love to read! I really love books that can make you bust out laughing. I am up to try something new if you have any recommendations...


Christ; My Grandfather, who is the best man i know; my best friends, you are always there when i need you all, i couldn't ask for any better friends; and all the military men and women if it wasn't for you we would be no where.

My Blog

My new life

So, I accepted the proposal of my dreams this past weekend. I have decided to marry the man i have always wanted to. He is perfect for me in everyway. Its amazing when God brings this wonderful gift i...
Posted by Trista Rose on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:38:00 PST

When is it?

When is it that we go from thinking and acting like kids to thinking and acting like adults? Is there a big event in our life or is it a slow process? Why do some people never really get to that point...
Posted by Trista Rose on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 08:48:00 PST


I feel much happier today except i am coming down with a cold. But i did want to say that i am in no rush to meet someone. I am recently divorced, in school, and i work full time therefore i have a fu...
Posted by Trista Rose on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 07:43:00 PST


Okay so I am a single female. I have a lot going for me. I have a job, my own place to live, a car (crappy but hey), i am in school to better myself, i pay my own bills (no mommy and daddy paying them...
Posted by Trista Rose on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 06:40:00 PST

Today Marks

Today marks what would have been my 5 year wedding anniversary. It has been 5 years today since i thought i did the best things i could ever do. Now 5 years later i see how meaningless those words and...
Posted by Trista Rose on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:02:00 PST

Ripping off the bandaid!

So as most of you have already figured out I am going through a divorce. Last Wednesday night Darrell came to me and told me he didn't love me anymore and wanted a divorce. I said fine. I made plans t...
Posted by Trista Rose on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:43:00 PST

It is time to speak out!

It is time to speak out and make a stand against drugs. It is time I make a stand and speak out against this abuse. In this past week I lost one of the dearest people to me to drugs. His heart wa...
Posted by Trista Rose on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:18:00 PST

My Heart is Broken

My heart has broken. One of the dearest and closest people to me has died. My cousin Derick Cleghorne died on Saturday April 7th. From what we understand it was a Massive Heart Attack which was d...
Posted by Trista Rose on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 05:45:00 PST

New Stuff

Well I thought that after having the dreaded mono this season and then getting a cold twice while I had mono I was done, well guess again. I am sick with a cold again. I hate winter! One and...
Posted by Trista Rose on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:32:00 PST

Hey there

Hey everyone. Finally have a chance to catch up. Living the happily married life and finally getting a chance to catch up will all my old friends. I missed you guys so much! I am so happy to finally b...
Posted by Trista Rose on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:09:00 PST