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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

hey howdy hi aloha
as a preface before we face off if we do at all, as ships generally pass in the night and are seldom wont to collide, i thought the fleeting fancy had left me only to find that i have reached ramming speed :D So anyway, hey. if you are from flevoland and are are a real person trapped there; you have my deepest sympathies. i can only suggest in such a case, seeing you appear to have some internet access, that you try googlemaps after deciding on a direction or destination (the two can be taken in either order and are not inclusive).
please excuse my brevity, as i am writing this at great haste, as people have been badgering me. so let me set forth my standards and methods involving not insomuch as a firm rule of law, but more rather some general rules of thumb in dealing with badgers and keeping your thumb, all the while making sure to at least attempt to not illicit the ire of any badgers, which can be quite fearsome. i advise you all to keep your gnomes safe from wrathful badgers. while on the subject, i can't help but momentarily stress the problem and plight of the gnomeless today, and offer a kind word from experience that there is no greater success than against adversity and that insurmountable goals are sometimes quite easily achieved with judicious application of foreknowledge and effort. There shall always be those that try to put the cart before the horse, and those who might tell you that the best method of removing bubblegum from an irritated badger's fur would be to strap the badger down and painstakingly removing each and every molecule of synthetic gum from each hair of the badger using naphtha and a Qtip for years on end with the stated intention of continuing to do so for the remainder of your time in office, predetermined as well in a course of failing (as well) to attempt to address any other ideology on the matter. this is sure to piss the badger off, and such is inadvisable, if the original intent was purportedly to help the badger. The best course that initially comes to mind might be to make friends with the animal, feeding it, gaining it's trust, and cutting away the offensive material which had engendered concern in the first place. your hands and arms are nigh invaluable to you i might assume, so please take great care in any such endeavor. as arm and hand transplant are now possible, and there shall always be those of unscrupulous morals and ethics, i am sure that others might advocate less constrained and well planned action as i might hope to proffer... there are people, i am certain of it, that would put forth some plan that through action might cause you to lose an arm or both your arms, so that they might Sell you arms, all the while placing bubblegum in badgers' hair surreptitiously so that they might profit from the consequent need for arms through having bilked gullible well meaning people into following their shoddy, deviously importuned, well implemented plan of greed, murder, mayhem, and improper badger use. * i apologize as well if i have unnecessarily badgered you about my feelings on the current war in iraq. regardless, this is not meant to say that i will turn away badgers from my door, nor that i actively seek out those with such problems, more that i might be prone and am in fact quite implicit about my habit of REFUSING FRIEND REQUESTS from those unkind enough to ask my friendship, having the whole matter of the content on their page being some great dirth of all real engagement, more so attempting to Advertise Some Other Business, whether it be a dating service for badgers or the attempted wholesale of fainting goats trained in accountancy, metallurgy, time travel, and reincarnation notwithstanding. As well, i call you out if you are possessant of such goats as i believe that if their existence was fact, they might be proliferated profitably for the benefit of all mankind and other specie exposited by exopolitics to our mutual gain on a non profit basis, and suppression of such wonders that would stand us all well might, which though possibly well intentioned (such a fainting goat in causal action might be dangerous to the entire continuum if it manifested it's eponymous appellation at precisely the wrong moment, but that is neither here nor there) might rob us all of universal truths both great and small and foreshadow horrors of great consequence.
If i might request anything at all of the lot of you (non-false-rasta-spacemonkies included [why would i disinclude myself?] ??:oD ), it would be for you to be aware that i am chatty, have a great love of music, an interest in the unusual and nonstandard (what with current acceptable standards) i Do Believe in discrimination: Discrimination is the ability to tell one thing from another: say,... the ability to discriminate between the controlled demolition of a building falling at free fall speed with visible squibs and all the other hallmarks and earmarks of such; including molten metal liquefied by thermite standing molten hot for days afterward and recordings of the sounds of the explosions, firefighters and other reputable witnesses reporting explosions at the bases, police telling people to move back and stating "the building is about to come down", etc, etc, etc... the ability to tell that type of specific unique event (by happenstance being as well the only series of modern steel structure buildings ever to fall from fire damage) from other types of events... if you cannot recognize that aforementioned most documented in the history of mankind event as being totally disparate, separate, and wholly dissimilar from, say... ...the near total censorship in the public press of the Rape charges Pressed against the President of the United States in 2002 (George W. Bush) by Margie Schroedinger, who subsequently died of a gunshot to the head (ruled as suicide), after professing in the charges that she had pressed in Texas Court that she had spoken to the defendant on the phone and her testimony to his words was that he had told her that he would kill her himself if such charges were pressed... Then Sheesh! ...In Discrimination being the ability to tell those 2 things apart and express both differences and similarities between them: it is good to discriminate, as such is the heart of cognizance and thought.
True Discrimination (Not discriminating Against anything, just discrimination in general) would entail, in my mind, not merely a list of slights or faults in differences that exist in things found to be disparate, but also a listing and extolling of the values, worths, and merits of any matter taken into consideration. so, in closing i might state that while many immoral and unethical and totally inappropriate applications of some shallow uses of discrimination are the lowest form of kitsch (poor taste) and do exist, i do believe that discrimination (telling one thing apart from another) is good, and that we should all seek to discriminate our actions meritoriously in an effort to promote the greater good, and not in any way seek to harm others, but moreover to help them if they allow it and consider themselves to be in need of help, they all the while not pursuing any perceived injustice against others, to be adjudicated by impartial third parties as necessary. :D
*addendum to prior* Just in case anyone misread me there: i Thoroughly Dislike Racism: the precept of racism itself is a farce; there is only one Race of human beings ~Homo sapien.
so.. if i refuse your friend request it is not from any lack of love of others. if i have misjudged you to be a spam bot and refused your request: feel free to message me and i will do my best to redress the affront. feel free to bite my ear in the same loving fashion i have taken the time to jot you this brief cautionary. :)

"Every man who knows that he acted to his best knowledge and ability should feel honorable, without regard to the words and deeds of others. Words and actions of others or other groups cannot violate one’s personal honor or the honor of one’s group. Power-hunger and greed shall, as in the past, be treated as despicable vices; the same applies to hatred quarrelsomeness. I do not suffer from an overestimation of the past, but in my opinion we have not made progress on this important point; we rather fell back. Every well-meaning person should work hard on himself and in his personal circle to improve in these respects. The heavy burdens which presently plague us in such a horrible way will then vanish too." ~Albert Einstien on War.

"Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; that until there are no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation; that until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes; that until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to race; that until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but fleeting illusions, to be pursued but never attained." ~Haile Selassie
"i often wear the same clothes so my friends will know i haven't changed" ~personal truism
"i was abandoned by Wolves; raised by Journalists and Comedians" ~another such
"my life's savings consists of oddments and broken toys (and fond memories of Puff the Magic Dragon)" ~ibid
"i haven't had a bank account since i was 12, recently a relative bought a 350k$ house with my misplaced inheritance" ~ditto
"i am the heir apparent to Salvador Dali, Pierre Roy, and Charles Despiau" ~yours truly
"someone please let this guy make some sculpture" ~picked up by a Ouija board (which immediately afterward recycled itself) near one of my jobsites
Uniform Polychora: Are You Allergic? blarg woy greetings peace love look listen learn work play laugh
Name: day
Birthday: may 18
Birthplace: 12th floor mcv
Current Location: boulevard
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Height: 6'4"
Right Handed or Left Handed: right hand, left foot
Your Heritage: ffv
The Shoes You Wore Today: i wore yesterday too : 'es
Your Weakness: reggae/ska
Your Fears: riaa, nwo, gop, corporations, war
Your Perfect Pizza: is hot
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: make more electric guitars
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: i eschew msn,icq,etc... prefer opennap
Thoughts First Waking Up: can i get bacK to same place in dream if i go back to sleep
Your Best Physical Feature: brain
Your Bedtime: late
Your Most Missed Memory: love
Pepsi or Coke: diet coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: mckyD, wait, you were asking which cuts down more rain forest... right?
Single or Group Dates: undatable
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: earl grey
Chocolate or Vanilla: asparagus
Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee
Do you Smoke: yes
Do you Swear: frik no
Do you Sing: off key
Do you Shower Daily: sometimes
Have you Been in Love: yes
Do you want to go to College: yes
Do you want to get Married: yes, you asked, where's the ring :p
Do you belive in yourself: i don't exist
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: to flies n' skeeters
Are you a Health Freak: um
Do you get along with your Parents: :( they are dead, miss them
Do you like Thunderstorms: yep
Do you play an Instrument: flute; i have a gemeinhardt 3shb
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: very little
In the past month have you Smoked: yep
In the past month have you been on Drugs: ^see above
In the past month have you gone on a Date: sorta, dropped her off at another guy's house
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nope
In the past month have you been on Stage: loading sound
In the past month have you been Dumped: nopers
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: in the shower
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope, please dont say dl'ing mp3's is theft :p
Ever been Drunk: somewhat
Ever been called a Tease: ya
Ever been Beaten up: beaten On
Ever Shoplifted: shops are heavy, my ex dropped a house on me, tried to steal my ruby slppers, got out from under
How do you want to Die: ala' pheonix
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a nebula
What country would you most like to Visit: shangri la
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green
Favourite Hair Color: within visible spectrum
Short or Long Hair: yes
Height: ok
Weight: helps keep pieces on chessboard
Best Clothing Style: buttons
Number of Drugs I have taken: 3
Number of CDs I own: does over 16k mp3's count?
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: i would regret enumerating them, let's not go there

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet anyone who agrees that there is no good reason for violence, 2 wrongs do NOT make a right, as well, would like to meet many me bredda who do not agree, but for the chance that they might see... one love. further yet, do not confuse my intent with my comporture and take my kindness for weakness, if i see someone beating someone else, i will attempt to stop them through use of restrained applied force with no intent to harm them. a certain extent, violence is control, this is arguable; my intent is not to harm or see others harmed. hate is unreasoning and life is too short. I'd like to meet Noam Chomsky, Albert Griffiths, Clinton Fearon, Gallimore Sutherland, the Vandals, Stephen Hawkings, George Carlin, Kent Steadman, Richard Hoagland, The Abyssinians, Lee Perry, Jason Mewes & Kevin Smith. Ween again, BBoys again, Itals again, i like meeting people :p gimmee one of those pls -> tyia :) see whole music list

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