zaui profile picture


<bit only takes an intensifier to make it a habit

About Me

i'm in tha verge of editing my homepage.. but am lazy. so until then.. deal wit all tha ish on my page! thanks!=)P.S. I DONT LIKE BEING DITCHED!!!!

My Interests

going online, (vintage) cars, gadgets, computers, music, movies, shopping, time travel, arts and ish, insanity, hallucinations, life after death, dreams, tsunami, goth, stone age, ice age, human behavior, unanswered questions, space and time, elements, (greek/roman) gods and goddesses, lightnings, sharks, mushrooms, lil leprechauns, lifestyle, weird scriptures, world civilization, people, random thoughts








    rock rap r&b techno trance reggae alternative acoustics jazz classical HOUSE MUSIC!!
no POP for me.. thank you very much!Ü


    cruel intentions bruce almighty south park casper bad boyz II interview with a vampire shrek (1&2..iLavU Donkey!) zoolander land before time (anyone who begs to differ? msg me! i want to see how much of a freak you are!) prince of egypt wedding singer collateral kung pow! (sampalocistan fave!)
i'm very hard to please when it comes to movies. imma natural movie critic! i love movies that scare the living hell outta me. i also prefer non-fictional movies! i hate sci-fi's!! p r e s sp l a y


F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Will and Grace, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, CSI, F, Oprah, a whole lotta Lifestyle Network and those "music television" channels.. and oh yeah.. would you believe me if i tell you i used to watch TNT? you know.. that show in black and white wit those coarse-voiced actors wit hats and tight 'baston' slacks wit matching suspenders to complete tha whole get-up and then everybody juz starts to sing like some crazy broadway ish? yup! i watch those whenever i get tha chance to.. dont get me wrong now, but i'm juz really, really fascinated wit that certain era! i juz love `em.. i find it rather.... SWELL!Ü i d i o t b o x


when you're lonely, bored, homesick, depressed, confused, lost, suicidal, deprived from adequate luxury and your school's surroundings smells like shit.. you learn to read such crap..
List of books I've read in my entire lifetime of 17 years:The Sky is Falling by: Sidney SheldonThe Dating Game by: Danielle SteelThe Notebook by: Nicholas Sparks
Eleven Minutes by: Paulo CoelhoTuesdays with Morrie by: Mitch AlbomBy the River Piedra, I Sat Down & Wept by: Paulo Coelho


it's.. it's...... *drum roll please* (wtf?!)

My Blog

A Different Kind of a New Year's Resolution

2005!.. a brand new year and a brand new me! ok, i know it couldn't possibly sound more cliche but c'mon gimme a break.. i'm trying really, REALLY hard to even just starting this "happy-themed" blog f...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Insomnia At Its Peak

current time: 4 a.m. and i can't sleep! i kept tossing and turning and bloody thoughts (again!) came barging into my head. i felt like i had to write everything, anything. there were too many of them ...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Silly Turns Disturbed

it's officially tha day after christmas.. tha 26th. and am here, bumming in front of tha pc just typing away, wearing tha same clothes i wore some 23 hours ago and wanting really bad to post a new blo...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Too Much Time

At the root of insanity Is having too much time on your hands-- Too much time to think-- Too much time to remember past hurts And to wish things could be different. Too much time spent alone, ...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Before I Came To College I Wish I Had Known.. (Edited Version)

That it didn't matter how late I scheduled my first class, I'd sleep right through it.That PE is not called Physical Education for nothing!That I could change so much and barely realize it.That growin...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i ask myself a thousand questions at once and demand a reply a second after. "what am doing here?" "what the hell did i get myself into?!" and then i reply in soft, hateful murmur: "this ...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

From: Here

"like a little kid, childish and young, i wanna run home and cry..but it's too late now. i've grown up..maybe too fast." "sometimes i don't wanna cry anymore, most of the time i don't wanna laugh c...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Angel's Plead

Last night I had a dream it had a tale to tell. I dreamed I saw an angel; poor thing, he wasn't feeling well. His body bruised and battered His wings were ripped and torn-- He could hardly...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i'm sorry but i'm thinking... i'm sorry that i'm writing. i'm sorry i met you too late. i'm sorry that we're apart. i'm sorry if i haven't talked to you in a while. i'm sorry for what happ...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

System is Down

people dont understand, and so do i i dont know what i'm feeling, i dont have the slightest clue i'm floating in thin air and my head's about to explode i am running, farther and farther awa...
Posted by zaui on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST