D.O.C. profile picture


About Me

DOC(Deciples of Christ) is dedicated to bringing the message of God's love to the street.This is not a band. Just a band profile so we can bring you messages that you can listen too rather then read.Many people look at Christianity and are immidiatly turned off.Alot of this has to do with the fact that many Christians display themselves in a way that they think they are better then everybody else. They don't intentionally do this, but many haven't experienced that hard roads of life. They say "yeah we love everybody", but they don't come across that way.I find that when I go to church or bring one of my friends to church, everybody looks at me like "what is he doing here?". Some try to avoid me and if I bring any friends, the same goes for them. Others go out of thier way to talk to us like we're special. Often they say things like "good to see you came to church" or "God loves you". They are meaning to be nice, but they are giving a message that we don't fit in there by treating us different then everybody else.The mentanily of many Christians is that you have to come to church in what they consider "nice clothes" and things like that. If you dress differently or have tattoos, everybody looks at you like "why aren't you dressed for church". And if you lite up a cigarette outside church, many look at you like you are a lower class. God doesn't judge, so neither should we.Lots of people think that Christians are trying to shove the message down the throats of society. This is parcially because many Christians show alot of the problems with society, but no genuine love or sulotions to the problems. I see this alot when ever I happen to see TV evangalism. They spend very much time telling us how bad we are, rather then that God loves everybody.That is why I started the DOC. I want to show God's love, and hopefully some solutions to real life problems that we all face. I have had a lot of real tough life expriences and hopefully can help others who are facing similar or the same problems. I am coverered in tattoos, I work a labour job, smoke cigarettes, I was in jail, so I know life. Life not as suit and tie go to church, but life as it is for all the less fortunate people who haven't made all the right choices in life.Hopefully the DOC can reach people that many think are "lost" or "hopeless". No one is hopeless.God Bless

My Interests


Member Since: 1/13/2008
Sounds Like:
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Volenteers wanted....

..> Hello, We are looking for volenteers to make banners and help spread our message. We do not make any money from this site, and live very busy lives. So do not have much time for promotion, or t...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:49:00 GMT