I love opening mail that's not addressed to me. If the mail man delivers the wrong mail to my house I open that SHIT. It feels so good it can't be wrong. I love the fact that the letter Y can sometimes act as a vowel, such as in the words Fly or Sky. I'm a very serious fucking person. I dislike people who DO NOT take their MySpace page seriously. This is NOT the forum for silliness. I've shit my pants ONCE since being out of diapers at age 2 1/2. I had an unfortunate little incident in kindergarten where I shit myself. My fucking bitch teacher at the time wouldn't let me use the bathroom. What the fuck could I do I was only five. If I had a time machine I would go back to that exact moment when that heartless bitch told me I couldn't use the bathroom. I would hop up on her desk pull down my little boy pants and my Spider-Man underoos and shit all over her fucking desk!! I'm proud to say I'm currently on a 26+ year streak of not shitting my pants. I wanna keep this streak alive but I'm gonna need help from all you out there in the MySpace community. In closing I'd like to add that I have no tolerance for immaturity. I've reached such a high level of maturity in my life that most people can't even fathom that shit. I'm often stopped in public by total stangers who ask "How did you become so fucking mature?". I just tell them straight up that they are probably to immature to even begin to comprehend that shit but I do try to enlighten these poor people. I tell them to visit my MySpace page because I believe this fucking page of mine is the true pathway to a higher level of maturity. That's why I even started this shit just to give back to the community.