dead rock.carbon.things.the havok and destruction of the civil puppies, not so much kittys.but i really got a thang for the ramma lamma fa fa fa and cha cha heels.
nine inch blondes,recyclones,dover river revue,camp 5,the thank you nets,the lame tempests,overwound,the theo therum,bush baby university,the scripts, the raido ons,nobodys thermous,weave,the job chinceys,jhonny radiation suit,homeboy bonanza,tackle-hut,shove pup,the honey steamers,what tina.
doctor detroit,tape heads,get crazy.
infomercial,stuff where im on it, then i can call my mom and be all like IM ON TV!!! IM ON THE FUCKING TELEVISION MOM!!!!!!
Karma katillieon coming out in the 80's,the story of boy george Michelle stype.
red tornado