hardcore is my obsession. i love the music, i draw so much out of it, out of the energy, out of the lyrics, out of bands and individuals statements. hard to describe, but hardcore fuels my engine. hardcore is a statement against everything i hate and for everything i love. it's my and your personal revolution. it's my and your statement against society, against letting this fucking system control our lives, against letting this fucking government control every aspect of human and non-human behaviour, against one-dimensional and ignorant ways of thinking so deeply rooted in western thinking, against the oppression of anything that doesn't fit into society's norm. it's again and again so disgusting to realize how much shit is going on so close around us. i fucking hate this country and all those fucked politicians who judge about other people's lives and deaths every fucking day. i fucking hate all those humans who are so ignorant and who use their power as people who live in a rich country to fuck over everyone who wasn't so lucky and wasn't born in the "paradise". i fucking hate those humans who are so ignorant and who use their power as men to literally fuck over women. it really makes me sick and i can't close my eyes and ignore all these things. hardcore is a big fuck you to all the people who do not fight for the freedom and equality of everyone and everything. hardcore is my and your personal statement for true love, for understanding and acceptance, for trying to learn every single day, every single minute, for trying to get as much out of life as possible, for trying to live our lifes as freely as possible, for trying to change, ourselves and the circumstances of our lives, for trying to break all these chains that keep us from living our lives as we want to live them. it's our statement for a way of living together that totally differs from anything that we ever experienced in our lives, simply because there's no way we could ever experience real freedom and true love in this system. how the fuck can we think we live free when all we do is painting the bars around our lifes in a nice and glossy color, making the chains around us a little bit wider without realizing that our situation did not change at all?
- statement taken from the first Highscore 7"
Kink Records is a small D.I.Y. Punk/HC/Crust Mailorder and Label located in Heidelberg, Germany. With the label and mailorder i want to support d.i.y. bands/labels/fanzines/... all over the world and help them to spread their messages and to distribute their records/fanzines
Punk/Hardcore is more than music!! Against racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic and anti-semitic bullshit!
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