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About Me

Western man has rendered himself bereft of the rite and rituals, ceremonies of passage, the shamanic methods for dealing with the build up of dark psychic content. As a result, he is patently psychologically arrested. His avoidance condemns mankind and the earth and engenders psychotic and saddistic leaders, who are then able to play on his fears and lower instincts ad infinitum. If we do not autonomously cleanse our psyches, and strive to live as inspired by our own inner source of wisdom, and if we continue to violate the natural order because of our inner emotional and psychological toxicity, we will allow the ego to manifest surrogate channels to exorcise it's repressions and other negative beliefs. In short, if we give up the right rulership of the self, we inevitably breed "Orwellian" political and religious tyrants to take over the job, and turn us into Simmel's "smiling depressives", or worse... Humans are not unconscious and dim-witted by nature. Our impressive contemporary ignorance is the result of prolonged and invasive conditioning. The Control System uses basic diversionary tactics to prevent most humans from ever engaging with anything meaningful. It deploys encumbering psychological hoaxes like keeping people stressed inside a protestant work ethic time-loop, over endorsing left brain activity, removing the divine from daily life, omnipresent junk entertainment etc. It augments these with physical disconnections through bad water, bad food and a haze of atmospheric and electromagnetic interference. Combined, they subvert the natural evolution of the human soul from its normal ascension trajectory down to the prosaic drudgery of the 21st century consumer plantation.What happens next will be ratcheting in gains and preparing a fresh new story line [Obama the Messiah]. That is to say, none of the very impressive (ie, horrific) achievements of the neocons will be undone, and yet the American people will be led to believe that the evils are in the past—the same standard tactic that we saw work so well when Nixon resigned. The media will be filled with fresh new story lines, along with bright intelligent confident reassuring empathetic Earth-loving new faces, plus other new fantasies—and the Bush experience will fade from public memory, along with last season’s football scores. Such an advantage it is for our rulers, that Americans have such tiny memory spans and such limited powers of independent observation, compared to the rest of the world’s population. I guess the purpose of the melting pot was to melt away basic intuitive judgment. Unfortunately, due to generations of indoctrination and persecution, the inhabitants of the western world have been long suffering from “symbol illiteracy.” Communication in words, we have to understand, cannot lead us anywhere spiritually. Words are, phylogenetically, a very recent form of communication. Moreover, it is only the minutest part of consciousness that expresses itself through verbal language. It has been recently discovered that the human brain contains over 240,000 neural threads. That is enough to stretch from Earth to the Moon. On each micro-meter of these threads the data is stored as pictograms, composite images, and not as words. With the advent of verbal and written communication, humankind experienced a cognitive shift from the polyphrenic, holarchic mind to the monophrenic and hierarchic state known today. The mythographers behind the Judeo-Christian paradigm saw to it that the Word of God replaced the more antique image of god. They did this by placing the prohibition against “graven images” in the Mosaic Commandments. It is interesting that this prohibition was inserted before the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.”

My Interests


Member Since: 03/10/2005
Band Members: man will cease to cause atrocities when he ceases to believe absurdities
Influences: There is a river flowing very fast. It is so swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try and hold on to the shore, they will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly. Know that the river has a destination. The elders say, we must let go of the shore, push off, into the middle of the river, and I say, see who is in there with you, and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take NOTHING personally. Least of all ourselves. For the minute we do our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of The Lone Wolf is over. Gather yourselves together. Banish the word 'struggle' from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do know, must be done in a sacred manner, and in celebration. WE ARE THE ONES WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. AHO.
Sounds Like: The goal is real freedom. Not the illusion we walk in the midst of everyday of our lives, being poisoned by industry, enslaved by debt and controlled by self preserving mechanisms of the established power elite. Humanity needs to come together, and collectively recognize its common interests for well being, and work in harmony by sharing its ideas and resources through education, high level innovation and creativity, to achieve a sustainable society, where no one is left behind.Imagine a world without debt and servitude; where the earth is utilized for its maximum potential without pollution or environmental destruction, and where acts of war, competition and other forms of corruption are nothing more than historical footnotes in future history books.When we understand that sustainable progress does not come from competing with each other for property or identity, but rather from working together, we begin to see how paralyzed, distorted and, in many ways, imprisoned, our current world society is.“IN THE LAST GREAT EPOCH in human history, people in the West forgot completely that it isn’t enough to knew the secrets of physics, mathematics, and chemistry, and that on the contrary the very first object of man’s study, research and understanding should be man himself, the discoverer of all these secrets. While his attention was directed to things outside himself, he neglected to look inside and ask the question, Who am I? This omission had serious consequences: while technological developments became ever more perfect, ran himself became more and more imperfect. At the very time that engineering and technology were enhancing man’s personal comfort, his soul was sinking deeper and deeper into dissatisfaction and misery. A person who has lost himself is plagued by burning unrest, and the result of inner dissatisfaction, tragedy within the man, is always war, destruction, cosmic catastrophe. Humanity plunges into misery for the same reason that people seek happiness outside themselves, instead of in the one and only place where it can be found, within! But the sufferings that often seem to grow and compound themselves finally force us to turn our attention away from things and toward the person who is suffering—ourself! Sooner or later we must learn that the true reason for our sufferings our abysmal lack of self-understanding and self-control. Man simply does not know his own soul and the principles and forces at work deep within it. He does not know the source of his thoughts or the tree of his wishes, and chained dawn by this ignorance of his own being, cannot control either himself or his destiny. In the same blind way in which he follows his animal instincts and urges, fate buffets him to and fro like a rudderless ship in a storm. On the other hand, when one has learned recognize the various levels at which life goes on within his self, and learn to control himself, he is also able to control his fate. The power which guides our fate did not create man for misery but for happiness. Only blindness pushes him into suffering.”—ELISABETH HAICH
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Single Launch this Friday June 9

Hi everyonethis friday Melange will be releasing a single off the upcoming EP!The Launch is at the Bakery in Northbridge, and we are pleased to be playing with Perth greats, Kill Teen Angst, The Fault...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 21:27:00 GMT

Grok Interview - Issue .7 2005

THE MOST BORING BAND IN PERTH While Daevid and Christian, to whom Daevid refers to as "Fatty" (he's not fat), argue about everything from whether Willa Wonka really does exist (Daevid was mortified to...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 16:30:00 GMT

New EP recording - the mission has begun

Yes - we have been keeping very quiet lately. We have been in the studios of Forensic Audio with Simon Struthers churning out the beginnings of what will become our, as yet unnamed, debut EP. We ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 01:05:00 GMT