I'm Chris.
I like things, like playing certain games, like TF2, CS:S, Garry's Mod, Left4Dead and Dystopia, mainly.
and of course just like any other human these days, I like music and TV too.
few people know who I really am, and I only let people who I think are worth keeping around get close with me.
I have my own thoughts, feelings, and philosophies on different things.
I'll get to know you if I think you're worth it.
I define me, I am me, I don't try to be anyone else, I'm simply myself.
I don't like following crowds. I hate being IN the ocean, but standing outside of it is beast.
I like walking down the beach at sunset, all inspirational-like. its awesome.
I have no sense in fashion, I throw on a band tee, and some jeans, and the occasional hoodie and I'm good.
Sadly, Im a hopeless romantic.
I've been tossed around, beat up, thrown down kicked around, picked back up, then knocked out again, but without those events I wouldnt be the person I am today.
I have a low amount of friends, but thats okay, the one's I have are amazing.
I have no specific idea on life (completely) yet. all I know is that I wanna go somewhere nice.
Most of my friends are girls, and I'm cool with it. sometimes guys annoy me.
I could give you a list of things I hate, and it'll go on and on and on. but instead I'll list some things I LOVE.
long walks at night,
inspirational stories/quotes/pictures,
taking pictures,
building things,
love songs,
hate songs,
did I say music? Friends,
love at first sight (can it be true? who knows.)
, kids,
skateboarding (Not so much anymore unfortunately),
the woods,
long nights with friends,
things like that. i could go on and on and on.
if I didnt think someone wasn't worth befriending, I wouldn't even try.
I only keep those close who I think deserve it.
Everyone deserves a second chance but noone deserves a thousand.
talk to me, comment me, call me, text me, message me, IM me, interact with me, love me, hate me, get to know me. do what you will.