Goodday, I am Sigi Freud, tze psychiatrist. I will keep
you up to date about my contemporary adventures
tzrough tzis medium.
I am known as tze most influential and authoritative psychiatrist and philosopher in tze world. I have explored and written about tze unconscious, tze tripartite mind structure -sometzing tze Belgian government has taken too seriously, tze development of sexual behavior -sometzing tze conservatives have taken too seriously - and many many other tzings. Luckily I am retired now and practicing adventure around tze world but mainly in tze comfortable surroundings of my home in Schellebelle, Belgium.
I am retired and practising adventure now... don't ask me
to analyze tze dreams you have.
Demonry occurred on my first myspace, hence I have created
a new one now, and it's online so I can continue
spreading my heritage tzrough tze virtual medium tzat
is tze internet.
I met Joe some time ago. He was spreading mayhem all over
tze town. He came across as a quite short man, when I
told him so he spreaded some more mayhem. America is
a mistake. A giant mistake.
I met Kurt in 1991, he was in need of some tzorough
psychoanalysis. But I told him: "A certain degree of
neurosis is of inestimable value as a drive,
especially to a musician."
When I saw Carl tze last time I told him: "Carl, your
new ideas resemble tzose of a monkey or at least tzose
it would have if its brains weren't tzat small."
I shouldn't have said tzat but I was quite uncomfortable at
tze time. Moreover, tze large amount of cocaine
I had taken earlier was nearly completely leaving
my brain which had a certain influence on my analogy making.
Analogies, it is true, decide nothing, but
tzey can make one feel more at home, Carl.
Please, contact me, Carl.
I would like to tzank tze American Writers Guild for making my look popular once again: "Tzank you." Also many tzanks to David Letterman and Conan O'Brien for forseeing tzis trend and promoting my beard heritage all around tze world: "Tzank you, Conan and David." (A small discussion on 'Beard Envy' and tze reasons for growing beards can be found in my blog section.)