M Marvelous
I Innocent
K Kinky
E Energetic
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Your Aura is Green
You're very driven, competitive, and even a bit jealous.
However, you seek out balance in your life - and you usually achieve it!
The purpose of your life: inspiring others to be better
Famous greens include: Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart
Careers for you to try: Guru, CEO, Talk Show Host What Color Is Your Aura?
You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.
Find out your color at QuizMeme.com!
Sunrise..Just like the Sunrise you are beautiful and give
hope to alot of people around you. You have a
very caring heart and love to share that
kindness with others. You are most likely one
of those people who can be find helping out
after something bad happens. Or at least
donating blood to the local hospital.Your Quote it.. Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride
is taking less than you need. Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)
What time of day are you? (with Beautiful Pics!)
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