ErmmmMM.... Let mi tink hard arh.....alwayzzzzz burning oil the nite b4 xam!!HaaaaHAAA....@Zoombie@!! basicali not an outdOoR tyPe of gAl but wld lik to grab a golden opportunity to travel round the WORLD!!! Quiet but can can be quite craziii at times with good pals...... GEeee... definitely a gOOd listener........Bt may not B a gOOd adviser.......:b LOve Beaches & Beautiful ScenerY. EnjOys Anyting tt is Artistic..
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
GenEraLi a pErSon WhO haS inNer beAutY, siNcEre, ComfOrtaBle & fuN to Be wiTH.......... BesT to meet aN InteRestIng & 1 whOm have *TeLePaThY* with U......HaHaaHaaHEee...