ray profile picture


Ray Trem

About Me

Im Ray im 20,i live in jackson. im a volunteer firefighter, sta 54. Im also an EMT for jackson EMS. My summer job is at hurricane harbor as a lifeguard supervisor and EMT. I graduated high school in 06 and went off and joined the air force reserves ,Im with the 514th civil enginnering squad out of mcguire, fire dept. I have done one tour in Iraq so far. I like tattoos i have 4 tattoos a maltese cross on my shoulder and a phoenix on my leg/knee and 2 shamrocks on my back. im preety easy goin so anything you wanna know just ask or im me at SHorEBreAK18I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests

FireFighting , music ,EMT , military , lifeguarding , lacrosse, nascar ,


anything and everything


Ummm saving private ryan, windtalkers, full metal jacket, Backdraft, Ladder 49, Band of Borthers stuff like that


may god protect my brothers in arms,may he keeps us all protected and bring us home to our famalies,may he give us the strength to continue on when the weight on our shoulders becomes unbearable,and when the time comes may he shelter us in our time of need and take us into his loving arms.for i am a soldier and willing to give my life for youI am not just any regular soldier, i defend my fellow soldiers and protect and save them in thier time of needI have given up my freedoms and happiness so that you may have yours.I defend the freedoms that you all enjoyI get up everyday no matter how badly i want to give up but i dont do it for me i do this all for you.the people i left behind who i love so much and am willing to do anything for,the proof is in my brothers bloods whos has been spilled on the ground of foreign countrieswe do this for you the people we love our friends and familyi love you all so much and miss you more than anything


last men out, band of brothers


Rudy Gulianimy father and grandfathers

My Blog

life now, 2 weeks left in tech school

well today is decemeber 3rd wow i thought this month would never come, im in the final block of training and have 17 days left here. wow its been one hell of an experience i mean i still have 5 years ...
Posted by ray on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 02:21:00 PST


so exactly one week from today i will be done with emergency medical technichian school and as of this moment i completley regret taking it the things ive missed out on, friends ive lost touch with, t...
Posted by ray on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 09:47:00 PST

countdown survey

10 FAVORITES Favorite Color: blueFavorite Food: dont really have oneFavorite Month:juneFavorite Song: story of the year-until the day i dieFavorite Movie: in the army nowFavorite Sport: lacorsseFavori...
Posted by ray on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 01:18:00 PST


life summary SUMMEr- completly amazing best one ever workin at Hurricane harbor wasd incredible the friendships drama good days bad days i loved every single day of it theres so much more to talk abou...
Posted by ray on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 03:13:00 PST


WOULD YOU... [  ] go out with me? [  ] give me your number?  [  ] kiss me?  [  ]let me kiss you? [  ] watch a movie with me? [  ]let me take you out t...
Posted by ray on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST