sleeping, eating, gambling, watching tv, the occasional foray into the outside world (for milk & batteries)
Listen kids -- unless I actually know you, have known you at some point in my life, or have at least met you in some way, I ain't gonna add you as my friend. But if I actually have and just don't remember, feel free to remind me. And although I wish you the best of luck in chasing your dreams, I'm not gonna add your band to my list either.
On that note, I'd love to meet Seth MacFarlane, Tina Fey or Trey Parker. Oh, you mean "for realsies." Welllll...if you think the Sunset Strip is a great place to "meet people", then we're probably not going to get along. If you'd pay money to see the David Chappelle live, we probably would. If "The Fast and the Furious" is one of your favorite movies, we won't. If you have any idea where Latvia is, we will. Overwhelming urge to beat up the person that accidentally bumped into you? Nope! Helping them up and being so nice they buy us all drinks in thanks? Priceless. Got a soft spot for those who grew up on John Hughes and can hold their own in a good-natured argument. Oh yeah, and you can't be allergic to cats. Or drink wine coolers.
I run the gamut - Van Halen to Sarah Vaughn, Timo Maas to Tito Puente, Georges Bizet to George Benson (I find smooth jazz very soothing when stressed)
Stuck on a desert island, I'd have to go with '80s comedies - Harold Ramis is a genius. But also love Kurosawa, Cam Crowe, PT Anderson, Amy Heckerling, Zemeckis, Shyamalan, Coens, Farrellys. Yeah, yeah, you get the idea...
Laugh all you want, but tivo is my best friend. Flight of the Conchords, both BBC and NBC Office (kudos for finding its own stride), Scrubs, Seinfeld, Simpsons, Northern Exposure, Family Guy, Arrested Development, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Nature, Nat Geographic, all things HBO
Eat, Pray, Love - best book I've read in years