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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

..Honestly, I am a very caring and well-conducted young lady. In all seriousness, it's really hard for me to describe myself because out of fear I show different aspects of my UnIqUe personality at different times. I am very sensitive and I think I am at the stage in my life where I really understand the meaning of EmPAThy... Shout out to my GuRLs 4 life: Dirah, Amillio, BG, Liyah & my cusin Tady!! oh yeah zack is the man & cassidy for life. gggggg gunot( All zach's idea not mine)***%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A..%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A .. ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!



My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Not U!!
The phone rings... who do you want it to be? My FaThEr
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return the cart? SoMeTiMeS
During a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? A LIsTeNeR
Do you take complimets well? Not really, they make me nervous
Do you play Sudoku? YeS, I think Sudoku puzzles are fun!
If abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? Of CouRsE
Do you like nipple rings? No, I've HeArD sTorIeS
Did you ever go camping as a kid? AlL the TIme...tHanKs to NSA
What was your favourite game as a kid? Tap Tap ( U'd have to be from my hood to know)....oh yea and KickBAll @ 18th Ave. After School Program
If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you know he/she was married, what would you do? Leave Him AloNe, I Do NoT BeliEve In BeIng SeCond oR CheAtINg foR thAT MaTteR
Could you date someone with different religious beliefs as you? Yea, as long as they do not believe in like polygamy and stuff...
Do you like pursue or being pursued? EiTher Or If the Feelings Are Mutual
Use three words to describe yourself.: shy, outgoing, evil
Do any songs make you cry? AloT oF tHem
Are you continuing your education? Yes, Im a SophMore iN ColleGe
Do you know how to shoot a gun? NO
If your house caught on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? My fAmilY
How often do you read books? HELLLO, Im In scHOOl
Do you think more about the past, present, or future? tHe FutUre so if u don't FiT.....POOF
What's your favourite Children's book? ThRee Little Pigs
What colour are your eyes? Brwn
How tall are you? 5-9
Did you ever have the earge to go out with the guy/girl your best friend was going out with/liked? LMAO...boI tHis Is FuNnY aT a TiMe lIke tHis....YuP
Have you ever taken a picture in a photo booth? YeA, iT wAs fUn
When was the last time you were at Elemenrty school? In tHe 1990's
Where was the furthest place you travelled today? Cali
Do you like mustard? IT'S MY NUMBER ONE FEAR!!!!!
Do you perfer sleeping or eating? OOOOOOhhhhh I tHink Ima say Sleeping
Do you look like your mom or dad? My DaddY
How long do you take in the shower? LiKe 20-25 min
Can you do the splits? JuSt AbOut
What movie do you want to see right now? The NoteBoOk
What did you do on New Year's? StaYed Out alL night wiT Camille (I'm Not goin say what happened that night...Ima end it there)!!!!!!
Do you think the Grudge is scary? No
Do you own a camera phone? Yes
Was your mom a cheerleader? NOPE
What's the letter of your middle name? M
How many hours do you sleep a night? AbOut 10 when im home from school, About 5 on campus
Do you like care bears? Love em
What do you buy at the movies? BeSideS the tIckEt....nACHOS
Do you know how to play poker? No
What do you wear to sleep? BaSkeTbalL shorts..and a Temple T-shirt
Anything big happen in your hometown? Nope, same ole same ole....BrOther Doin Time, AnOtheR geTtin BurIEd(R.I.P. RAY)....Same ole NeWark
Is your tongue piered: Nope, but Dirah's is.....nASty
Do you like lover an onions? Huh?
Are you in love? YeS
Do you like funny or serious people better? I LiKe soMeOne wHo CaN tUrn On bOtH eMotioNs wheN nEcessAry
Ever been to L.A.? No, but I've been to San Francisco
Do you visit daily? NO
Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? NeIthEr
Do you hate chocolate? DisLike it, unless Im PMSn tHen I crAve EverYthing
What do you and your parents fight about the most? Me Asking For $$$$$$$$
Are you a gullible person? Hell NO
LOOK! The ceiling has "gullible" written on it!!!: YeA rIghT
If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills), what would it be? I would want to make partner at a big legal firm. YES!!
Are you easy to get along with? Of course....Hello my name is Elyse.!
What's your favourite time of day? 10pm and after...Im a late nighter
Do you write songs/poems? I uSed tO....iM noT inSpirEd tO anyMoRe
Are you an only child? No...but im the only girl!
Do you listen to hip-hop? Yup
What is your dream home? One With Lots of MirRors, A bOwling Alley and a Mini Skating Rink iNside
Name one person you know that you would want to get married to.: mYselF
Are you single? Ummmmmm...SiKe since tHis iS GoIn Be Up foR someTime...No, Im not Single..Right BOO?
Do you treat others the way you want to be treated? No, Im much more evil with others.
Do you and your friends have a lot in common? ToNs
Ever gotten drunk when you were younger? NOPE....key word was younger(younger means like 15 & under) LOL
Do you have a digital camera? NOt yeT
If you could slap the one person you really hated, who would be the lucky person? i dOnt beLieve in RevenGe so noOne....dont get mad get even. J/k
Which celeb do you admire? MARIO..and of course ME
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My Blog

Not anymore........

U know what's funny.......for years I have been this person who never believed in being emotional, never believed in showing her feelings. This fear inside of me began to define me. I use to deny it f...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:45:00 GMT