Ellen profile picture


About Me

Saa~ Hn~I'm a Japan-obsessed, bibliophile, tv-holic, linguist, introvert, computer-nerd, math-geek, artist...that doesn't quite sum it(me) up, but there you are. Ee~eto...I'm a bit quirky...very forgetful...=_=;; I hate that 'computer chat-lingo'...you know the stuff: "what ^? i'm doin gr8!!! haha ur lol" Drives me absolutely insane(figuratively)...|: | ...enjoy all~"Don't forget, only *you* can (prevent forrest fires?) strangle the joy from life's fragile throat"- -"What'cha carvin'?" ~"A stick" -"Out of what?" ~"..." I stole this from a signature, so arigatou, signature owner~...so I just noticed that the 'enter''s aren't..valid...I'm too lazy to change it, so...give me another month, ya`?

My Interests


I love everything...everything everything...I especially love techno...and alternative, but everything is good~ I adore music in foreign languages ^_^Gackt is fun


Most movies...I like it when they have plots...I like most things from Shrek to Saw, Love Actually to Interview w/a Vampire, Harry Potter to Onmyouji. I can even to raw movies from Nihon now^^ Lucky me, I know


I`ve become slightly addicted to Japanese television...American stuff too, also good. But you only get real live footage of munchkins distressed to tears while the cameramen dodge her hugs in Japan(It ended happily, don`t worry)


I'm a bibliophile. All know this. Shall I rattle off some authors? Last names only: Lackey, Flewelling, Jordan, Nix, Berg, McKiernan, Hamilton, Sanchez, Adams, Rowling, Bertin, Britain, Campbell, Crutcher, Watt-Evans, Huff, Lee, Leith, Lindskold, Reichart, Williams, Velde...^_^I've got you going, you keep it up...

My Blog

This is my chosen ground to post those spiffy(or not so-) tests

http://quizfarm.com/images/1133382967musashi.jpg">> You scored as Miyamoto Musashi. You're considered a sword saint, whatever the fuck that is.  You don't give two hoots what weapon or tact peopl...
Posted by Ellen on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:05:00 PST