Personal Mission Statement: I strive for superior comfort to maxamize the experience
The japanese use the same word for Crisis as they do for Opportunity
I live for fun, I stive to enjoy everyday. My friends make this pretty easy to achieve =)
I believe in kismet. Things are now exactly as they are supposed to be....there are no mistakes.
I LOVE to travel, this year ive been to Kentucky, Maine and North Carolina visiting friends
2007 I went to Bali, Egypt and Turkey (all on bellydance related adventures).
I am a compulsive multitasker. I love the sense of accomplishment.
I am very mellow, go with the flow...if its supposed to happen it will.
I keep nothing near me that does not make me happy.
I love to exercise
I love bullet points
I firmly believe in the value of the "Cost Benefit Analysis" in all areas of life.
Some of my favorite quotes....
"Nothing about me is unique. I am a product of everyone I have ever known." Chuck Palahnuik
"The world is exactly ordered for my satisfaction and pleaseure." Flashman
"I am a Hedonista...fighting for a hedonistic state." Krit
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about." -- Albert Einstein
By day I own and run a small business manufacturing leather jewerlry that is sold in boutiques in the US and Canada...hence the free time for travel.
By night I dance with "Layla and the Lotus Dancers" a modern Egyptian bellydance company with showgirl flare...sometimes I dance at clubs/restaurants, but usually its for private parties...hence writing off most my travels as business expenses, YES!
I was in school for 8 years, studying Human Social/Psychological Sexuality at S.F State, then switching majors getting an AA in Fashion Design and a Bachelors in Business: Marketing
And now a business pitch...
Liquid Nymph's collars and cuffs are all made of 6-8oz (belt weight), top-quality cow leather. Our styles feature beaded fringe, lace, and elegant guimp trims that are machine stitched in place. All hardware is nickle plated. We offer a wide variety of closures as well; snaps, corset style lace up, buckles, locking posts and exotic closures too!
LiquidNymph is a small privately owned business, based in California, and dedicated to bringing you the most innovative bondage styles with the highest degree of customization and customer service.Wholesale available.
Website coming soon.