Saturday 510 Stuntin
MY NEW 07 R1i was a victim of a hit and run driver....3 broken ribs,broken foot,roadrash and bruises everywhere....waiting on my new 08 r1.....yea u know throw it in da gutter and go get another....MY LIL COUSIN JESSICAMY NEW EDITION TO THE FAMILY!!HE IS RAZORS EDGE,AND GOTTIE,YES TOP OF THE LINE!!HIS G-PA IS KURUPT OF STACK UP PITS!!TOP OF THE BLOOD LINE.HIM AT 2 MONTHS OLD ON CHRISTMASAND GOTTIE AT 6 MONTHS OLD
gottie at 9 months old are a big part of my life,all the tricks u can do while on a wheelie keep me going.i have been a part of 3 groups,1 was 5150 out of union city,and the other is the oakland ruff im with the san jose ruff ryders cuz i feel its more diverse and we do fun things. In the summer hanging out on the Delta,cuz i have a jet ski i have a blast on--lost isle and ski beach is where u will find me.if not there u will find me at lake berryessa with my boy dean.....cuz we know how to keep the party crackin.....u can get hooked fast!!!! I like partying with my friends, and always having a good time.
If she doesn't want you, nothing can make her stay.
Stop making excuses for her and her behavior.
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be.
Slower is better.
Never live your life for a lady before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the women was not treating you as you deserve
then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
Don't settle. If you feel like she is stringing you along, then she probably is.
Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself
a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.Always have your own set of friends separate from hers.
Maintain boundaries in how a lady treats you.
If something bothers you, speak up.
Never let a women know everything. she will use it against you later.
You cannot change a womens behavior. Change comes from within.
Don't EVER make her feel she is more important than you are...even if she has
more education or in a better job. Do not make her into a quasi-god.Never let a women define who you are.
Never borrow someone else's women.
Oh Lord!? If she cheated with you, she'll cheat on you.
A women will only treat you the way you ALLOW them to treat you.
All men are NOT dogs.
You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two-way street.
You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about
baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship
You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists
of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.
Dating is fun...even if she doesn't turn out to be Ms.. Right.
Make her miss you sometimes...when a lady always know where you are, and your
always readily available to her- she takes it for granted.
Don't fully commit to a woman who doesn't give you everything that you need.
Keep her in your radar but get to know others.
You'll make someone SMILE,
RETHINK your choices,
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate
them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them........................................................
Outgoing. Spontanious. No one to fuck with.
Have own unique sexiness. Unpredictable. Erotic.
Funny. Addictive. Take you on trips to the moon in bed.
oooooyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaa!!!!THAT sounds like ME$$
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed our conversation today.
I really value our friendship and am happy to know that you are always there when I need you.
I hope you know that I am here for you as well.
You are one in a million as far I'm concerned.
There are not men out there like you.
You have a great personality, big heart, and you are so easy to talk to.
I also think you're hot. LOL! I think that you are a great guy and whom ever you end up with will be a very lucky woman so please don't ever settle.
I think this says enough about me for now!ballin 12/06
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The trivial annoyances, even though they are virtually meaningless, can overwhelm you if you let them. Choose not to let them.
Be diligent about the things that truly matter, and be very flexible about the things that don't. There's no sense in wasting your precious time arguing or agonizing about something that doesn't really make a difference anyway.Learn to let go, and to rise above the petty squabbles. You'll end up with much more time and energy available to work on the really important things.Instead of carrying around your frustrations like so many trophies, choose to leave all the small, insignificant ones behind. You won't impress anyone by constantly complaining, and it won't add value to your life, so let it go.You have much more meaningful and important issues upon which to focus your time and energy. Spend your moments truly living.Get in the habit of letting go of the small, meaningless matters. And delight in the freedom, effectiveness and peace that you create for your life.
GOOD ADVICE FOR THE LADIE$....1) If you want to know whether to buy that pair of skinny jeans, by all means ask your girlfriends.But when it comes to guy advice, ask a guy! If you go to your girlfriends for love advice, it’s all gonna be based on her messed-up experiences. Guys, on the other hand, love telling girls the truth about male behavior—as long as it doesn’t affect him. If you tell a guy about a sketchy situation with your man and he hears one or two things out of whack, he’ll recognize it for what it is because chances are, he has done something like that before.2) Are men dogs? Maybe, but women can be just as bad. When it comes to finding a good man, a lot of women are really discouraged; they think all men are dogs. In my experience, I’ve seen that women can be just as bad as men. You gotta remember, whenever a guy cheats on a woman, he’s usually doing it with a woman who knows his relationship situation.3) Cool it now…you got to slow it down! The number-one mistake women make when they’re dating is being too anxious. Women have too many rules: he has to call within a certain time frame, he has to ask you out within a certain time frame; once they find someone they like, they want everything to be perfect right then and there. You gotta relax and just go with the flow. If you just slow down, the relationship has a much better chance of actually working out to your advantage. A man will never like someone unless he’s ready to do it, and he will run if you go from cute to crazy really fast.4) When a man loves a woman, he’ll do whatever she wants. Really.If more women knew this — that a man who loves her knows it’s about whatever she wants to do — they probably wouldn’t obsess so much about how their man felt about them. Want to know how he’s really feeling about you? Check out what he’s done for you lately. If your man is in a club holding your lip gloss, he is in love. Ain’t no man who likes holding your lip gloss or purse, but if he loves you, he doesn’t mind. That much.5) If you want to keep a good man, match his affections—and don’t take them for granted.If a woman wants to keep a man, all she has to do is match his affection for her. Sometimes she gets too comfortable with the fact that he’s being good to her and stops returning the kindness. She’ll get to a place where she thinks sex or things like that should become a treat for him. If that sounds familiar, ask yourself, “When is the last time you did something sweet for him, just because?†Men don’t like to always give, and when they do without getting the same back, they feel stuck. Women say, “I got you and I don’t want any other manâ€, but men say, “I gave up all these other women for you—show me why!†What the men are saying is, “I am willing to do all of this stuff, so there are things I need you to do.†If you want to keep him around, you gotta pony up too—not just with sex, but with all sorts of good, kind things.6) When it comes to sex, men are dogs…but not in the way you think.The beginning of a relationship when you’re always getting it on is great. For a lot of women, however, when they’ve progressed into a relationship they don’t want to do it as often anymore. Of course, this disappoints him, and women get annoyed. What these women need to realize, is that this change in course, for her man, is like telling a puppy he can’t eat. If you used to feed that puppy twice a day, but you reduce those feedings to once a month, your puppy is always gonna follow you around and cry because he wants that food he used to get all the time. This is why he acts that way when you aren’t giving it to him the way you used to, ladies. It’s not because he’s a pain, it’s because things have changed and his needs and expectations aren’t being met.7) Men cheat for one reason and one reason only.When it comes to cheating, the bottom line is that no man cheats on his woman to go to the library and read books. They cheat to have sex. Period. Not because she is a good listener or understands him in a certain way or something like that, but for sex. If you don’t want your man to cheat, keep him sexually satisfied. It’s that simple. Sure, there are some jerks who have it good and cheat anyway… but they’re just jerks and you shouldn’t want to be with those guys anyway. And you know the types I’m talking about.8) Playing hard to get isn’t a good way to keep a good man.Women always tell each other that they need to play hard to get to keep a man. That’s not true. The key to keeping him is matching his efforts. If he calls you, call him back, and expect the same. If he doesn’t call, stop calling, and really pull back until he starts matching your efforts. When he does, there is no reason to play hard to get. It’s dumb. All you’re gonna do is make him think you changed and that you stopped doing what worked for him, which will make him lose interest, understandably. Men don’t like women who are playing around. If he’s as great as you are, he’s got options too, and he’ll start seeking them out.9) Reconsider having sex on the first date.My general rule when advising women on first-date sex is to tell women to avoid it—especially if you really like him. See, if you do it, you’ll then be left wondering, “OK, so now where’s the relationship?†Don’t mistake sex for a relationship—the real thing takes time. A great sexual relationship doesn’t take hard work, but the real thing does. If you do decide to do it anyway because you just want to have sex, if he never calls you again after the fact, you have to be OK with that.10) Want to know what good men are looking for? Men want someone we can wake up and see each morning for the rest of our lives who makes us smile. It’s not about being hot, though. When that beautiful face is frowning or her brow is furrowed, that’s not the beautiful face we were looking for. I’m speaking metaphorically here. Men need peace. A woman who nags and never lets her man have things his way does nothing but make him want to take off. It doesn’t mean we want you to shut up—it’s just that we want you to let some things go and let us just have some peace. Here’s a perfect example: Don’t make him start cleaning up because you are. If you were watching Oprah and he interrupted you to want to have sex, you’d want to bite his head off.It’s the same thing when you ask him to do something like clean up in the middle of his watching the game!
i love all typs and kinds of movies,usually while cuddling with the right someone
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Aura!The BBQ!And then there wasa Berryessa!