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About Me

No OnE kNoWs WhAt |t's l|ke |ns|De Of mE ThE tRuTh AbOuT wHaT | aM WhO | Am LOok ThRoUgH My EyeS See WhAt | See Do As | dO Be wHaT | bE.. Wa|k |n My ShOeS AnD hUrT yOuR FeeT ThEn yOu'|| kNoW wHy | L|ve l|kE | dO.. AcT l|kE | dO SuffeR tHe wAy | dO BuT yOu St|LL wOn't See WhAt | hAvE tO gO tHrOuGh LeT a|oNe EvEn cArE BEcAuSe a|| You See.. Is nOth|nG BuT b|aCk And An OcCaSiOnA| Sp|Ash Of rEd...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

YoU KnOw sOmEt|MeS L|fE |s A Tr|p. |t CaN MaKe YoU Do MyStEr|oUs tHaNgS. AnD sOmEt|mEs l|fE |s a B|tCh. HoW dO yOu dEa| w|tH tHe Pa|n?