ANR music&more profile picture

ANR music&more

About Me

ANR (Anna Nadel Rec.) is a small independend Label for PunkRock, Hardcore, Ska , Skapunk and more. The main goal is to get music and bands beside the mainstream more known. Therefore the "scene" is not really important than the quality of the music and a antifascist view of the musicians. Everything is published, whenever the guys from ANR like the music. So ANR publishs music it stands for. ANR is not known for fast trends and cheap production than for quality and love to the detail.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/01/2008
Band Website:
Sounds Like:
ANR 39 DISTEMPER "All or Nothing" LP/CD more
ANR 38 MOSKOVSKAYA "Moskovskaya - 20 Jahre" CD more
ANR 37 SKARBONE 14 "Satalites" CD more
ANR 36 DISTEMPER "My Underground" CD / LP more
ANR 35 What We Feel "Nashi 14 Slov" CD / LP more
ANR 34 MAD MONKS "Flying Circus" CD / LP more
ANR 33 TELEVISION KNOCKOUT "Thrills from the Tube" CD more
ANR 32 TYPHOON MOTOR DUDES Stranded from Hell CD more
ANR 31 WHAT WE FEEL Last Hope "Split" CD more
ANR 39 DISTEMPER Mir sosdan... CD/LP more
ANR 28 Argies "Quien Despierta" LP/CD more
ANR 27 WHAT WE FEEL "What We Feel / Devil shot Devil Split" CD more
ANR 26 WHAT WE FEEL "Together" Pic-LP more
ANR 23 F-THREE "No Justice - No Peace" CD more
ANR 22 Purgen "Reinkarnatia" LP/CD more
ANR 21 DISTEMPER "Yesli Parnya obyedinatsya" LP/CD more
ANR 20 SKANNIBAL SCHMITT "Ska a La Machete" CD more
ANR 19 WHAT WE FEEL "Last War" CD more
ANR 17 DISTEMPER "Podumay kto tvoi Drusya" CD/LP more
ANR 16 MOSKITO SPEZIAL "MartialArt Punkrocker" LP, CD more
ANR 15 HAUSVABOT "Feuertaufe" LP, CD more
ANR 13 FISTFUL "...aah what the fuck" CD more
ANR 12 PURGEN "Protest Detailey Mechanisma" CD more
ANR 11 HAUSVABOT/ANALOHG "Vitalienbrüder" Split-LP more
ANR 10 DISTEMPER "Ska Punk Moscow" Pic-LP, CD more
ANR 09 THE ORDINARY BOYS "Big Brother is watching you" CD more
ANR 08 MR. BURNS "Where is your Freedom ?" CD more
ANR 07 HAUSVABOT "Extremsituationen" EP more
ANR 06 HARNLEITER "Berlin's burning" LP more
ANR 05 DISTEMPER "Dobroy Utro" LP more
ANR 04 AG FREIZEIT "Der Name ist Programm" EP more
ANR 03 HAUSVABOT "Falsch !" EP more
ANR 02 PURGEN "Toxidermists of urban Madness" LP more
ANR 01 V/A OHRENSAUSEN "Ein Satz warmer Ohren für
Faschos, Staat und Bullenpest" LP more
Record Label: ANR music&more
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Die Abschiedstour der russischen Antifa-HC Band WHAT WE FEEL ist gerade sehr erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen, da stehen schon die nächsten Russen parat, um die Club- und Festivalbühnen Deutschlands unsic...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 14:07:00 GMT

DISTEMPER tour 16.04. - 29.04. + new CD + new t-shirts

The tour of DISTEMPER is started. And they will bring on tour the new album "The World is Yours" and a new shirt collection with them.1. DISTEMPER - THE WORLD IS YOURS CD OUT NOW2. COMING SOON ON ANR ...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 21:51:00 GMT

10th anniversary compilation out now

Noch eine Woche, dann feiert ANR music&more sein 10-jähriges bestehen mit 2 Festivals in Dresden (21.11.) und Berlin (22.11.) (Infos unter Pünktlich zu den Festivitäten...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 01:10:00 GMT

Vorverkauf für ANR Festivals hat begonnen - presale for ANR festivals started

Der Vorverkauf für die 10 Jahre ANR music&more Festivals in Dresden (21.11.2008) und Berlin (22.11.2008) hat begonnen. Infos siehe unten.The presale for the 10th anniversary festivals of ANR music&mor...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 10:13:00 GMT

10 Jahre ANR music&more Festival - 10th anniversary festival

10 JAHRE ANR music&moreDas kleine aber feine Label ANR music&more aus Berlin wird im Herbst 2008 bereits 10 Jahre alt. Viel ist passiert seit der ersten Veröffentlichung 1998. Doch eine Konstante ist ...
Posted by on Fri, 30 May 2008 00:30:00 GMT