YAWARHIEM (Official) profile picture

YAWARHIEM (Official)

About Me

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A few years ago Aurora, Richie and me (J. Miguel) had a progressive- neoclassical metal band called Hiemis Animi, that we deciced end it up, cause we want to develop a new and different musical project.

Right after that, Aurora and I take some time to create the near structure of the ideas that were rounding our heads. We clearly decided change our old concept and get into a innovating style that we had in minds, in orden to create through our music a world of mystic and intense scenaries capables to touch inner feelings. So, our conclussion was to use the orchestral enviroment (here was called our musician friend Richie who share with us influences, the idea and structure of the project ), our folk music and mix our voices as operatic storytellers-singers of the seague history.

The early stage of Yawarhiem was in mid 2004. The name “YAWARHIEM” came from two deep figuratives meanings that are intrinsically related with the musical emotions and sensations of the seague lyrics. With the name Yawarhiem, want to recover a cultural sense of our ancestor’s language (Yawar = means blood in quechua) and the universal language (Hiem = means winter in latin) too. This mix represents the global concept of our musical and seague intention that is to transmit to the world all about the Inka Empire using mythologyc characters based on Inka’s chronicles.

Through the time the band had several musician changes in drums, bass and guitar, for different reasons. Aurora, Ricardo and I spent many time in the hard searching of new musicians that could have the same musical direction as well, so that time was the best opportunity to find “ the real the sound” that we had in mind.

At the beggining of 2005 I met to Oscar Martin, most known as “Yito” and after a year he was the new guitar player of the band. At the same time (in january 2006) we get a new bass player too called Eddie Geott, to whom I met in a friends jammin session where we used to play covers from Rainbow, Artension, Angra, Sonata Artica, etc. Finally in march 2006, found to Gabriel Mella, a right replacement of our old drums (Christian Saavedra). In that way, finally the band was totally completed with the musicians we’ve been looking for and with the sound that we really had in our minds from the very beggining of the project.

And from there on, YAWARHIEM was formed by: Aurora D' Nina(vocals), J. Miguel Brendal (vocals and winds), Richie Salverredy (keyboards), Oscar Martin “Yito” (guitar), Eddie Geott (bass) & Gabriel Mella (drums), with whom we are still working with constantly effort and joy will give the best of our music to the world showing our sacred Inkas history in each song.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/01/2008
Band Website: yawarhiem.pe.kz
Band Members: S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S : S :

Vocal / Winds: J Miguel Brendal
Vocal: Aurora D' Nina
Keyboards: Richie Salverredy
Guitar: Oscar M. Olaya
Bass: Eddy Geott
Drums: Gabriel Mella
Influences: Metal, Opera, Progressive, Classical Soundtracks of Movies, Peruvian Folk, etc.
Sounds Like: ..
Record Label: none

My Blog

YAWARHIEM - Darkness, Blood & Tears (Official Videoclip)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaF-KhuI7Tc Directed by Jose Arango
Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 22:37:00 GMT

YAWARHIEM - Darkness, Blood & Tears (Official Videoclip)

Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:10:00 GMT