PLAY! Soundpainting Ensemble profile picture

PLAY! Soundpainting Ensemble

About Me

PLAY! Soundpainting Ensemble is the first soundpainting ensemble in Finland! It was formed in 2007.

Soundpainting is the universal multidisciplinary live composing sign language created by composer Walter Thompson for musicians, dancers, actors, and visual artists working in the medium of structured improvisation. At present the language comprises more than 1000 gestures that are signed by the composer/conductor (Soundpainter) indicating the type of improvisation desired of the performers. The direction of the composition is gained through the parameters of each set of signed gestures.
The word ”play” can be interpreted in three ways, it can be about playing music, playing a game or playing as in childrens play. When you add a exclamation mark it becomes something that will happen right now. ”Play” is also one of the most central signs in soundpainting. All of these things are at the core of what the Ensemble is about. It plays around with the elements and structures of music, sometimes following the structures of the traditional, sometimes restructuring the traditional, exploring the borders of and within music and performance and the possibilities of the soundpainting language.
Play! adapts the performance to the situation and place, but without losing it's anarchistic soul. If the venue is small, only a part of the ensemble might participate, and the performance will differ depending on the occasion, but it will probably rarely fit as background music. The output can be anything from classical, folkmusic or rock to slapstick, avantgarde or circus and nobody knows in advance exactly what is going to happen. It all depends on who is on stage and in what direction they wan't to lead the performance.
Thank you for your time - stay soundpainted!
Play! at Pitskun Kulttuurikirkko 20.10.2008
Play! Soundpainting Ensemble at Taidehallin Klubi 25.5-07
Play! Soundpainting Ensemble at Taidehallin Klubi 25.5-07 (2/4)
Play! Soundpainting Ensemble at Taidehallin Klubi 25.5-07 (3/4)
Play! Soundpainting Ensemble at Taidehallin Klubi 25.5-07 (4/4)

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests


Member Since: 12/01/2008
Band Members: Soundpainter,
ensemble's leader:

Sonja Korkman


Teea Aarnio
Helmi Camus
Charlotta Hagfors
Jutta Jelys
Mimmi Laaksonen
Kukka Lehto
Marouf Majidi
Anders Perander
Mikko Rajala
Ilja Venäläinen

+ Guest-Artists (dancers, visual artists..)

Influences: Open-mindnes, consentration, courage, creativity, silence..
Every art-form there is.

Last but not least - the creative mind of Walter Thompson.
(The man who created soundpainting.)
Sounds Like: Soundpainting!
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Finsk Soundpainting till Höganäs Privat HÖGANÄS. Den finländska soundpaintingorkestern Play! är på turné och avslutar med en konsert i Höganäs på tisdag den 25 augusti.Med sig på s...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Oct 2009 10:24:00 GMT

Grants! : )

 Play! has received grants from four different culture foundations for the tour to Sweden and Denmark! A big thank you to Svenska Kulturfonden, Nordiska Kulturfonden, Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finl...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:35:00 GMT

Play! Tour 2009

Play! will be on tour in Sweden and Denmark in august. During the tour we will perform with both The Borderline Ensemble and The Swedish Soundpainting Orchestra. We're looking forward to it!   : )
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:39:00 GMT

Metro article
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:56:00 GMT

There's a new videoclip!

Hello all!Hope you enjoy the new video! It was filmed at the Pitsku culturechurch in october.Play! has had a very exiting autumn with many performances and a week-long workshop with Walter Thompson. L...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 01:06:00 GMT

Check out our videos!

Hi everyone!Finally there are some videos of us for you to watch! Scroll down and you'll be able to see four clips from our performance at Taidehallin Klubi in Helsinki in may 2007. Hope you like them...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 14:48:00 GMT

Gig at Wanha!

Hey everyone - welcome to our gig on wednesday at Wanha Ylioppilastalo, Helsinki! We'll be playing around 19.30 so be there or be somewhere elsewhere! :) Playful tunes and good atmosphere promised,...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:45:00 GMT

PLAY! Soundpainting Ensemble will be teaching dancers for a week at North-Carelia, Outokumpu

The Ensemble is happy to be invited to teach a workshop to dance-students at Outokumpu, Finland!The workshop will take place at the beginning of February - this workshop is for the students studying t...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 14:57:00 GMT

Sonja and Teea visiting Walter Thompson

The Ensemble's leader Sonja and one of the ensemble-members Teea went to Sweden to meet Walter Thompson - the man who created soundpainting. For two days they had intensive teaching about the multidis...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 14:38:00 GMT

PLAY! Soundpainting Ensemble took the stage with visual artist Sakari Tervo

PLAY! Soundpainting Ensemble hit the stage at Sibelius Academy's Feeniks Club at the center of Helsinki - on december 2007. This time they had the pleasure of performing with young and very talented v...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 14:37:00 GMT