To all those in favour of a Palace for the People. I would like you to raise your hands.
We need your ideas and support to help us to publicise this issue and help us to put Alexandra Palace firmly and securely back into the hands of the people.
Calling all performers, artists, musicians and anyone with a vision for A Better World for all of us.
I can see an amazing shining building full of positive energy, light and life. A high profile asset for us to promote everything that makes us great. A carbon neutral Palace set amongst acres of green land where we can grow our own food. A beautiful building, built for The People in which to celebrate our talents, discuss our future and fully promote and experience ourselves as a thoughtful, aware, sustainable, mutually inter-dependent and diverse species.
You can read all about the battle to save the Palace from private development at Sign the petition at:
and please get in touch with any ideas as to what it could/should be used for.
I'm gonna dance with my darlin'
With a hole in her stockin'
Knees keep a-rockin'
Toes keep a-poppin'
Gonna dance with my darlin'
With a hole in her stockin'
Dance by the light of the moon
Ooh, by the light, by the light, of the silvery moon
We gonna dance a-by the light of the moon
By the light, by the light, of the silvery moon
We gonna dance
Hop on board everyone, all change.