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I am here for Networking

About Me

Hi I'm just a artist of nature here and I love to make really fun event and organizer anything new and use my two brains to make fun artistic things with my hands and help other artists or anybody who wants to join power and make things happen. Oh also I'm making a short films about life and I'm looking for new friends who want to participate or help in a film project that I'm working on. Please lets join POWER and email me if your interested. [email protected]..


Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Black, pink & red

Reactable Basic demo #1

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hi I'm interesting in meeting all people,artist,freaks of nature, and many more people who's not afraid to be them self and be free from what ever planets your from and just BE or maybe be with VE because V want to be with you too. so please send me a message thanks love kisses from Veeeeeeeeeeeeeee

My Blog

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