Wine Sundays, Dirtbikes/quads, trail riding, my dogs, Summer, My Jeep, BBQs, the bay, the river, Orange or pink sunsets, camping, traveling, sand dunes, PAYDAY, Saturdays, burnt CDs, burning CDs, onions, freshly mowed grass, FLIP FLOPS (the ultimate), the color red, salads, garage sales, internet access, White Zin, good moods, fake and baking, pedicures, Target, Text messaging, puppies, family reunions, ferry rides, the park, cooking, new groceries, MY SPACE, Photobucket, paid vacations, my mom's debit card, bronzer, new pictures, quotes, hair ties, bedtime, CHARLIES, fun times at the compound with MORE AND MORE TO COME, good jeans, My roommate Andrea, getting my hair done, discounts on hair products, SLEEP....and much, much more!
Puke Break
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Country, Hip Hop, Oldies, Alternative, everything pretty much. I guess it would be easier to say that I don't like Classical.
Anything On Demand from Comcast.... as long as I don't have to return anything to a movie store. Late fees...
What's television?
Anything from Meg's library
My parents, my BFFs, George Washington, people with no cellulite, Foo Fighters, those that SAVED my dogs' lives, CHARLIE MURPHY, street bums that drive BMWs, and the folks that keep the AM/PM by my house open 24/7 when Im on my way home.