Jagged Arrow is a one person band. Written, preformed, and produced by Tracy Hill in Goldsboro, NC. Jagged Arrow currently has 2 cds, neither of which are being sold state-wide yet. Hopefully by next summer JA will be doing at least one show a month, and have plenty of cds for the public, sold state-wide. If you are intersted in buying one go to JA's new website listed under basic info. Currently they will sold for 5 dollars per cd, each holding 14 songs. Also, if I find that there is a large demand for cds in other areas including other states, I will see about selling then on my website. Just let me know, and I'll be sure to make it happen 4 ya!
Hey, even if you don't want to buy a cd, PLEASE GO ANYWAYS! It's not much, but u all should just check it out.
Hey, don't be afraid to tell me what you think about my clips, that's their point!
By the way, if I go through the trouble of setting up a show and preforming live, would you go???
Leave me a comment and let me know.
I'm also going to be putting full length songs up here, plus more pics, so bear with me i'm still workin on it :D
There will be new music posted up here soon, so please, keep checkin it out!CHOCOLATES! CANDIES! ...CHEESECAKES!!!!! OH MYYY! :P~
The Sweetest Indulgence Dessert Club