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deceptive []

About Me

I woke up one day realizing everything in my life had changed except my myspace.
Search for no one and be gifted with the most beautiful somebody. Expect nothing and be blessed with enough happiness for an eternity.
I just dont care anymore.
All creativity stems from madness.
Music box Lolita with a bloody chest & a pill scarred throat
"Oh shut up,Sophie.Your mind is like a childs bed,never made."
I've been working on a piece that speaks of sex and desperation.i've been screwing on the tracks at abandoned train stations.
when i'm low cognition excuse me if I seem as sluggish as a sore sponge.Hello cupcakes. Honestly I never know what to say about me however I always find myself back here trying to re-edit something so heres my truth.
My name is Sophie.
Note: underneath all the makeup and clothes is a girl with a big heart and an eccentric personality. Different people will bring out different sides so Beaware. Keep in mind that to truly get to know a person you have to talk to them.
I'm pretty peculiar and attracted to the wierdest beauty. I also have a hidden passion and sensitivity. I do not accept things at face value and am constantly looking for the underlying meaning of things. My brain is endlessly questioning everything. So much so that I lose sleep for it. I am level headed with yet a mischievous and morbidly sick sense of humor. I am quite the pistol and can be blunt, abrasive and argumentative when cornered.
Messy/sloppy/knotted hippie hair that says:'i just rolled out of bed with a cigarette in my mouth in my £600 heels about to get into my limo and operate painfully behind chanel sunglasses while enjoying the highs of my prescripted medication to prevent the clinical depression.
At least i'm still beautiful.'
Innocence with an edge.Allurement with purity.
I love girls. I love girls who feel and think like me.It makes me want to kiss their neck and tell them its going to be ok.
Lust for approval
with a Root of Rejection
I can be a f*cking cunt but i'm usually the sweetest girl ever. Don't be afraid to talk to me..I don't bite.
I came to learn the hardest thing is leaving your past behind,as well as accepting the lessons you will learn from your past is often all there is to a person.After being continuously let down and decieved by people I thought that I could trust the most I would like to put myself in their shoes and unashamedly not feel like an outsider. So I am known now,as Deceptive.
Blunt bangs
Long legs
6 inch designer shoes
androgynous chest
and heart shaped glasses on an airplane; when the married man across the way cant take his eyes off of you
and the teenager next to you compliments your black nail polish.
Life is good.
I am what I'm not,I'm not what I am. I only reveal what I want you to know.I'm not high maintenance and I don't feel the need to break my neck treading the catwalk, I have a brain amongst my beauty.
I'm actually a private person. I can be shy around people i don't know. I am also a very intense person but for this i won't apologise, you may not always be strong enough to keep me sane.
Signature style:Pretty textures,and popping patterns. CORSETS.I can never get enough of them. I think I have one in every colour imaginable. The vintage victorian type capture my eye the most,with the ribbon lace and satine. Mens neck ties,knee high socks,berets and mary janes. Frills and lace and lace and frills..I don't care if you think it's tacky i love it.Latex.Mod collared mini dresses,deep& rich colors. I try not to stick to the same style.I tend to look a little different every day.I wear way too much black.
"If being sane is thinking there is something wrong with being different..I'd rather be completely fucking mental."
Things interest me that you probably wouldn't beleive. I'm very random..I'm entirely captivated by random people as they tend to maximize the little things in life and make everything tolerable.Lets be clear I despise mind fucking and i'm not into mind games.
Mass weapon of Seduction
I like people who have something to say and who hold a spark that illuminates many paths. I love that.
I learn to adjust to my current surroundings, no matter how severe the darkness. I slowly fall in love with the things that kill me.
I have an overactive imagination which I often let run away with me and I'm a sucker for letting my curiousity get the best of me. I can be pretty disgusting when I want to be. I live in my head a lot and let the world pass me by.
I am often in a constant battle with a severe case of drives me insane.
"Sleep.Those little slices of death.How i loathe them." - Sir Edgar Allen Poe
Social/general anxiety and paranoir consume a major part of my life, but can you blame me with the lack of trust and backstabbing bastards we are forced to contend with at some point in life?
Please if you are suffering with clinical depression/bi polar disorder/social & general anxiety do not add me.I'm trying to 'recover'.If thats even possible.Being how I am now are causing feelings of disorientation and unstable-ness.I need to find this so called light somehow at the high of this worthless pit in which I'm scared of.Party for my life,and partly for having to live through it all.Knowing the journey that awaits before me is fucking with me enough.
I have a habit of bottling things up.that or i just can't find the words.
I want to be my own model. I dont want to model for anyone else,I want to create my own art.
Chaos Lust Distraction and Torment
I am pedophilia,I am necrophilia.
I am the organized religion of your non religion.
I am your dirtiest desire,your most angelic fantasy.
I am your most mellow nightmare.You won't forget me.
I have a whole lot of unhealthy obsessions.Sometimes i can't keep them under control.But i'm sure as hell working on it.
I'm kind of Bi-Polar split,haha.Not so much litterally,as metaphorically.
I suppose it's better for my words to go unspoken, then to tangel into misunderstanding or confusion, with each ignorant mind.
I admit I did not make brilliant choices in my adolescent years, to say the least...But believe it or not I have grown since then. Im so very grateful for the knowledge I acquired from meeting the people that pushed me beyond common expectations. I don't know what I wish to do In a few years, But I'm focused on love right now,and my own mental health. Reguardless of my future occupation,I am serious about writing and photography,more than anything. Writing is my passion.. Stories and poems fulfill me.So i guess maybe,just maybe I do in someway follow in my Dads footsteps when it comes to the creative side?
Yo no comprendo mi amour.
I'm a masochist In denial. I don't like the agony,but I search for It once It's gone. I'm contradictively hypocrital. I despise you for hurting me,yet I beg your hands to wrap around my throat,Once you begin to walk away. If I let you kill me..will you forgive me? Stay? go. sit,run. I need you. I hate you,Leave...Stay.
This is my driven suicide,and I heard youre the one at the wheel.
Instability At its best.
I think Pain is beautiful.. Maybe thats just my Buried Defeatism speaking.. I'm very artistic.Always thinking,always creating. Trying to shelter all that is sacred to me.. Harboring above my possessions like a mother to many of my interests.
One of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced is being loved, being kept one disaster less and knowing i’ll be ok. Its the love that I would bleed just for the pure excitment and let it become my sick obsession. If you are willing to rip out your heart for a loved one, to be unselfish is to be many things in life.
Strange things sometimes fasinate me when pain is inflicted during intimacy, i unravel and become entranced.....
My heart has been an open book for far too many to toy with. I try my best to prevent any future breakage.. Sadly to say,theres always one roach who seems to find their way into the cake mix. Or perhaps Its just composed by that needy,tenacious Bastard,'Love'. Damn you,Victorious Fiend.
The pretty ones will leave you low and blow your mind
Isn't it ironic? We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us,love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones that love us.
why am i here?
The internet is a very creepy place; yet most people remain almost mesmerized by its surealism and its many outlets of disfunction. I am here because of the amazing, and because of the sick, disturbing and disgusting i have ever known.
who i would love to meetEmilie Autumn, Brody Dalle and Amy Lee.
Failing that- anyone willing to figure me out is worth meeting. Someone who carries a meaning and who creates and portrays a beautiful and divine inspiration to me and can overpower me endlessly. Someone with a curious beauty and also soulkeepers, few know what this means but it means everything to me.
Only The Best Will Do

My Interests

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My Blog

Just maybe.

Just a used handkerchieftired and raggedmaybe,just maybei'll throw her awayif she wont throw me awayive become a patientof my own asylumclassy,and Victorianyet still cold and worn outwe al...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 14:18:00 GMT

-day 2 of a new start

Fuck recovery. What ever was i thinking?
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 02:35:00 GMT

-i'm starting to get that feeling again

4.20am:My sleeping pattern is evidently out of control and all over the place. Or perhaps its my state of mind. I don't know. Within the 5 seconds of opening my eyes I am thinking- I want to do someth...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 02:34:00 GMT

-blah blah

You cant understand me...You cant understand,because its humanly impossible to categorize me.Even the tightest stereotype,falls lose around my neckAnd i'm smiling,because no matter how hard you try,it...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:37:00 GMT

-do you know how strong i am?

Don't really think you know the meaning of self control.Do you know how difficult it is?I would fall in love with someone like me,not because I like me.But because I know what its like to feel unloved...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:34:00 GMT

-the art of being overpowered, and overpowering love.

I had a dream about you.A fine line between fear and pleasurea clash between frustration and desireI love you,I fear you.I need you,I hate youcome closer,Walk awayLeave me alone,Stay still.Dont look a...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:28:00 GMT

-day 1 of a new start

I spoke to god today. I could feel jesus near me.Like a battered addict, I cried on my knees..crawling..and begging.. I'm some sort of junkie.All my life,i've searched for the answer. All my life,ive ...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 11:45:00 GMT

-one poem i found.little red.

such Beautiful Illusions drown with hours of sorrow "don't throw it away" I've been told I'm a talented artist,Lost in The thought of tomorrow Undo this tragic lace,The hand of romance chokes me p...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 15:28:00 GMT

-rant on self thoughts. the mess in my head. (fuck-i'm redoing my life.)

Ive been Learning so much about life,lately. Who would of known there lies a lesson in gazing out a car window,staring upon the traffic ahead. Its everywhere,all around us. These whisperings,of truth ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 16:52:00 GMT

-i’m scared to death.

i'm scared to deathwhen i realize the true colors of everything around me..when i acknowledge the genuine skin of the walls surrounding mewhen the smoke clears,away is the fog and my ears bleed with t...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 14:11:00 GMT